Free Genealogy Biography of William Croll,
Pennsylvania Volunteer of the Civil War
William H. Croll
William H. Croll son of Joseph and Elizabeth (Reisinger) Croll, was born in Manchester Township, March 23, 1840. About 1850 the family removed to York Township, where our subject attended school until his sixteenth year. He learned the printing business at the York Gazette office, after which he worked in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, after which he assumed full charge of the Hanover Gazette, this county.
At the first call for troops by President Lincoln he promptly enlisted in Company A, Sixteenth Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, 16th Regiment, and at the expiration of his three months' term enlisted in Company I, Eleventh Pennsylvania Cavalry, 108th Regiment in which he faithfully served for three years, eighteen months of which were served on the field. Having been thrown from a horse on a night charge and partially disabled, he was detailed by Gen. Butler to the charge of the Government printing office at Norfolk, Va.
March 31, 1866, he married Laura V. Whitehurst, of Norfolk, Va., who has borne him the following children: Eugenia A., George (deceased), Minnie E., Wilson J. (deceased), Lucy and Alma. Mr. Croll in 1872 was elected county auditor, and was re-elected to the same office in 1884.
Source: York County, Pennsylvania Biographical History, John Gibson, Chicago: F.A. Battey Publishing Co., 1886.
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