Free Genealogy Biography of Murry Cross,
Pennsylvania Volunteer of the Civil War
Captain Murry S. Cross
Captain Murry S. Cross was born in Windsor Township, York Co., Penn., March 12, 1835; is a son of Samuel Cross, and is of Scotch-Irish extraction. The Cross family has been connected with the history of York County for nearly a century. Captain Cross was reared on a farm, in his native township, receiving a common school education in the meantime.
When about twenty years of age he went to Baltimore and learned the carpenter's trade. Returning to York County, he followed his trade until Fort Sumpter was fired upon, when he enlisted for three months in the Sixteenth Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, 16th Regiment.
After an honorable discharge, he was one of the principal men in raising Company C, in York County. He was elected first lieutenant, and December 25, 1862, was commissioned captain. He participated in many engagements, some of the more prominent of which were as follows: Winchester, Wilderness, Cold Harbor, Spotsylvania, Weldon Railroad, Oquaquen, now Winchester, and Fisher's Hill. Captain Cross was discharged October 13, 1864.
In 1868 he became the proprietor of what is now the Central Hotel. Here he continued five years. He began his present business in 1882. The marriage of our subject took place October 4, 1850, to Miss Cecelia Hartman, a native of York and daughter of Henry Hartman. Two children have been born to this union, viz.: Edward M. S. (who died in 1883 of injuries received while in the employ of the Northern Central Railway) and Harrison H.
Captain Cross is a Republican and a member of the I. O. O. F.
Source: York County, Pennsylvania Biographical History, John Gibson, Chicago: F.A. Battey Publishing Co., 1886.
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