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Free Genealogy Biography of Joseph Davison,
Pennsylvania Volunteer of the Civil War

Joseph A. Davison

Joseph A. Davison (born Jan. 13, 1838 - died May 26, 1879), was educated at the Chambersburg Academy.

In 1861 he enlisted in Company D, 6th Pennsylvania Reserves, 35th regiment, and was made first sergeant of the company. He was promoted to I first lieutenant, Aug. 1, 1862, and to captain, Sept. 19, 1863. He became brigade inspector of the 1st Brigade. In the battle of Gettysburg he was in charge of his regiment from Little Round Top. He received the brevet rank of major and lieutenant colonel for gallant conduct at the battles of the Wilderness and Spottsylvania Court House.

Col. Davison married Anna Mary Taylor, daughter of John W. Taylor, a former sheriff of Franklin county; they had issue: Charles M., Smith L., Robert T. and Maud.

Source: Biographical Annals of Franklin County, Pennsylvania : containing genealogical records of representative families, including many of the early settlers, and biographical sketches of prominent citizens; Chicago. Genealogical Pub. Co.. 1905. Notes: Prepared in part by George O. Seilhamer.

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