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Free Genealogy Biography of John C. Dewoody,
Pennsylvania Volunteer of the Civil War

John C. Dewoody

JOHN C. DEWOODY, son of Robert and Elizabeth (McBride) Dewoody, was born in Sandy Creek (now Victory) township, April 15, 1838. His father, Robert, was the third son of John Dewoody, Sr., and died June 19, 1860. He is buried in the old Sandy grave- yard. His widow still survives.
Our subject was brought up in Sandy Creek, and obtained a fair common school education. By the death of his father he was, at an early age, compelled to assist his mother in the support of the family.

In August, 1862, he enlisted in Company B, Fourteenth Pennsylvania Cavalry. He participated in the campaigns of Maryland and Virginia, was under Sheridan at Winchester, and within a short distance of Gettysburg during that memorable engagement. He was also in the battles of Stony Point and Stony Gap, Virginia. After the grand review at Washington, he was discharged, May 29, 1865, and returned to his home.

August 22, 1866, he married Agnes A., daughter of William Henderson of Victory township. The family numbers eight: Mary A., wife of Clayton Park, of Franklin; Sarah E.; Effa J.; Margaret M.; Myrtie A.; Orvil G.; Howard, and William E., deceased. The family is connected with the Evangelical church of this township, in which Mr. Dewoody is Sunday school superintendent.

He is secretary of the township school board, and politically a Republican.

Source: History of Venango County, Pennsylvania: its past and present, including its aboriginal history, the French and British occupation of the country, its early settlement and subsequent growth, a description of its historic and interesting localities, its rich oil deposits and their development, sketches of its cities, boroughs, townships, and villages, neighborhood and family history, portraits and biographies of pioneers and representative citizens, statistics, etc.; Chicago, Ill.: Brown, Runk & Co., 1890.

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