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Free Genealogy Biography of Luther F. Eggers
Pennsylvania Volunteer of the Civil War

Luther F. Eggers

Luther F. Eggers, attorney, arrived in Kansas in 1869, and located at Valley Falls. He resided at that place and at Oskaloosa until 1874 when he was appointed Registrar of the United States Land Office for the Western District of Kansas and removed to Hays City, remaining there in that position until the fall of 1878. In 1879 he was elected a member of the House of Representatives, and in the fall of 1880 removed to North Topeka where he still resides.

Mr. Eggers is a native of Nittany, Walker Township, Center Co., Pa. He was born February 22, 1845, and after reaching the age of twelve, lived in Lebanon and Berks Counties. He received his education at Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg, Pa., and in 1866 graduated from the Albany Law School, having previously read law with Senator Bouchter of Lebanon.

During the war he served a short time in a Pennsylvania regiment under Major Greenwalt, and was at Gettysburg when Lee broke through the lines.

He subsequently assisted in recruiting, acting in the capacity of First Lieutenant of Company C, Two Hundredth Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, 200th Regiment. In 1864 he was placed in charge of an Ambulance Corps at City Point, and was afterwards on detached service with the Army of the Potomac.

In 1872 Mr. Eggers was a delegate from Kansas to the Republican National Convention which nominated Gen. Grant for the Presidency, and was at one time Chairman of the Republican Senatorial Committee of his District in the west. He has been in several of the State Conventions and has served in the Congressional and County canvass. He was once elected Railroad Assessor; but, as the land of the railroad was changed after his election, he never served in that capacity. He is a member of the A.O.U.W., and has been connected with the I.O.O.F., and the A.F. & A.M. Mr. Eggers was married in North Topeka, April 6, 1882, to Olive A. Adams, of Bradford Co., Pa.

Source: History of the State of Kansas; William G. Cutler; A.T. Andreas, Chicago, IL; 1883

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