Free Genealogy Biography of Richard F. Elcock
Pennsylvania Volunteer of the Civil War
Richard F. ElcockRichard F. Elcock was born in Warrington Township, March 1, 1832, and is a son of David and Rebecca (Frazer) Elcock, natives of York County, Penn. The Elcock family is of Irish origin, the grandfather of our subject having emigrated at an early day from the "Emerald Isle," and made a settlement in Warrington Township, York County. The father of subject was born June 9, 1807. He was a school teacher and farmer. Richard F. was reared on the farm, and had the advantages of early schools. In 1850 he went to Iowa, and engaged in farming, but after remaining two years returned to his native county.
He served his country in the late war, being a lieutenant in Company G, One Hundred and Sixty-sixth Pennsylvania; he also served 100 days in an independent company, furnishing his own horse. He was married, in 1866, to Miss Adeline Jones, of Warrington Township.
Mr. Elcock is one of the leading farmers of his township, and now owns nearly 300 acres of well-improved land.
Source: York County, Pennsylvania Biographical History, John Gibson, Chicago: F.A. Battey Publishing Co., 1886.
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Elcock in Census Images
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Elcock in PA County History Books
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