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Free Genealogy Biography of Richard Evans,
Pennsylvania Volunteer of the Civil War

Richard Evans

Richard Evans, son of Thomas (q. v.) and Mary M. (Barnes) Evans, was born in Connellsville, Pennsylvania, in 1840, and was accidentally killed in 1879. He was educated in the public schools and grew to manhood in Connellsville. He learned the shoemaker's trade, being an expert workman. When machinery-made superseded hand-made footwear and the vocation of the oldtime shoemaker was reduced to that of a mere cobbler, he quit his trade and took up civil engineering. He was killed with five other men at a boiler explosion at Reed's Works, in 1879.

He was a veteran of the civil war, serving in a Pennsylvania regiment, attaining the rank of sergeant. He was wounded in the head is battle, but nevertheless, after his first term of service expired, re-enlisted and served until the close of the war.

He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, and a Republican. He married Annie Williams, who survives him, residing with her son, Charles M. Evans. She was born at Waltersburg, Fayette county, in 1846, daughter of William W. Williams, for many years and at the time of his death janitor of the Fayette county court house at Uniontown. He was a genial, companionable man, and a great favorite with the attorneys, who appreciated his practical joking, though often themselves the victims. He married Annie Brown, Children of Richard and Annie (Williams) Evans: Harry, deceased; Charles M., of whom further; Walter, now a merchant of Fairchance, Pennsylvania; Crampton, deceased: Bessie, died aged eleven years.

Source: Genealogical and Personal History of Fayette County, John W. Jordan, Lewis Historical Publishing Co., 1912.

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