Free Genealogy Biography of David Fry
Pennsylvania Volunteer of the Civil War
David F. Fry
David F. Fry, died April 12, 1911 in Toronto, York Co, Ontario, Canada Buried : April 1911 York Co, Ontario, Canada . Has other marriages.
Military.... David F., Pvt, Co E, Eleventh PA Infantry, 11th Regiment, enlisted Feb 18 1864, at Greensburg, Pa, discharged June 13 1865, served 1 year, 6 mos, 9 days, P.O. Atlanta, gun shot wound to right leg.
Military: Civil War: Enlisted as private in Co. E. 11 Pa Inf Feb 18 1864, At Greensburg, Pa, discharged Jun 13 1865 at Balls Crossroads, Va and then to a hospital in Newark, NJ.
He is described as 5’ 3 " tall, brown hair, dark complection, blue eyes and a farmer .
Pension file no. 201667
Source: Kevin Fry
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