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Free Genealogy Biography of George Graybill,
Pennsylvania Volunteer of the Civil War

George Graybill

George Graybill is a native of York County, born in 1846, and son of Samuel and Christianna (Zeigler) Graybill, both natives of the county. His father was a farmer and horticulturist of West Manchester. He died August, 1882. Mother died about 1856; four children were born to them, our subject being the youngest. He was reared on a farm and nursery until fourteen years of age. He received a good education in the common schools and the York County Academy.

At the age of fifteen, he commenced to learn the milling trade, at which he was employed until 1862, when he enlisted in Company A, One Hundred and Sixty-sixth Regiment, 166th Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, as corporal, and was with regiment until it was mustered out July, 1863.

He was a participant in the following engagements: siege of Suffolk, Carrsville, Franklin, Black Water River and several minor engagements.

He then went to a military school for a few months in Philadelphia, and in August, 1864, he reenlisted in the Two Hundredth Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, 200th Regiment, as private, and was promoted to first sergeant, serving with this regiment until May 1865, taking part in various engagements, Petersburg, Fort Steadman, Hatches Run, Jerusalem Plank Road, Fort Hell, capture of Petersburg and the surrender of Gen. Lee.

In April 18, 1865, he was commissioned second lieutenant of the Third United States colored troops, and served until November, 1865. Upon his return he went to Reading and graduated from the People's Business College. Returning to York, he was engaged as a clerk, until 1870, when he engaged in the fire and life insurance business, at which he has since been engaged. He represents nine fire, two life, and one-plate glass company--all good companies representing $28,000,000 capital. Mr. Graybill is an active business man and does large business. He has served on the town council. He has been an officer in various militia organizations and is now State treasurer and member of the executive committee of the State Volunteer Fire Association, and president of the Fireman's Union of York.

Source: York County, Pennsylvania Biographical History, John Gibson, Chicago: F.A. Battey Publishing Co., 1886.

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