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Free Genealogy Biography of James Heverin
Pennsylvania Volunteer of the Civil War

James Henry Heverin

James Henry Heverin was born in Burlington County, New Jersey, October 11, 1837, the son of Elizabeth Ash (Jones) Taylor. His father Robert Taylor, M.D., was born in Philadelphia, in 1803, and his mother in the same place in 1813. On his mother's side he is a descendant of John Jones, who came to this country from the Island of Barbadoes in the early days of the Colonies, and who was a wealthy merchant of Philadelphia at the time of his death, leaving large possessions in Philadelphia, and in lands and slaves in Bucks County. Anthony Taylor, on his father's side, is a grandson of Anthony and Mary Newbold Taylor, his father, Robert Taylor, M.D., being a brother of Caleb Newbold Taylor. His grandfather on his mother's side, Benjamin Jones, Jr., was a shipping merchant in Philadelphia, largely engaged in the West India trade.

The subject of this sketch was educated at the "Protestant Episcopal Academy" in Philadelphia, and was afterwards placed in the large dry goods commission house of John Farnum & Co., to receive a business education, and where he remained, according to understanding, until he reached his majority.

Soon after the breaking out of the Rebellion, he enlisted from Bucks County, in the Fifteenth Pennsylvania Cavalry, 160th Regiment, as a private, the men composing the regiment being selected from different parts of the State, and in which no officers were permitted to be elected.

After successively passing through the various grades of non-commissioned officers, he was, in the spring of 1863, commissioned as First Lieutenant of Company "A," and took command of the company, being the only commissioned officer in it during much of its term of service. After the battle of Stone River, this company was assigned to the Headquarters of the Army of the Cumberland, Major-General Wm. S. Rosecrans commanding, to do special courier duty, and during the battle of Chickamauga was engaged much of the time in carrying orders, under fire, to various commands.

In the spring of 1865 Captain Taylor was appointed an Aide-de-Camp on the staff of General William J. Palmer, then in command of a large force of cavalry, operating against the enemy in East Tennessee, North and South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama, and was soon afterwards commissioned Captain for services in the field. He remained in the position of Aide-de-Camp until he was mustered out of service at the close of the war at Nashville, Tennessee. During the whole time of his service he was on active duty in the field, and participated in many engagements, and took part in the battles of Antietam, Stone River, Chickamauga, Chattanooga, Mossy Creek, &c.

In February, 1871, he married Caroline Fletcher, daughter of Lawrence Johnson, by whom he has two children, Mary Lawrence, and Elizabeth Elmslie Taylor. He is a member of the Grand Army of the Republic, Loyal Legion of the United States, and of the Society of the Army of the Cumberland.

Source: Encyclopedia of Contemporary Biography of Pennsylvania, Vol. II.: Bethlehem, Pennsylvania: Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 1868.

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