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Free Genealogy Biography of Lorenzo Hodges
Pennsylvania Volunteer of the Civil War

Lorenzo Hodges

The discovery of history and family has unfolded before me over the past two years. This amazing story began when my son started a basic family tree on He asked me some questions about dates, family members and connections from the past. As my research unfolded, I learned much more about a great great grandfather, than I ever thought I could. He was Lorenzo Hodges of Annin Creek, PA. In that process, I also met a family member who would share a long abandoned story of my grandfather's sacrifice in the Battle of Gettysburg.

I had plenty of other ancestors to research and find a place for on my family tree, but Grandfather Hodges kept pulling me back to his page. My mother (Elnora Elsie Simpson) had given us a very brief background of him and yet she didn't really know much about him. A "step-relative" had written to her from across the country back in the 1960's. I found those letters and the pieces started to fall into place. I was curious one day while on, when I saw a copy of Lorenzo's picture; the very same picture that my mother owned, already posted on Ancestry. I contacted the person who had posted it and he turned out to be a direct descendant of Julius, brother to Lorenzo, who is seen seated beside him in this photo. Mr. Richard Baker of Ohio, a descendant of Julius, said that their family always wondered what had happened to the two little daughters who were left without a father as a result of this terrible war. Mr. Baker, my "new cousin", had wonderful documentation and stories to share of Lorenzo's brother Julius. These included stories of the parents, Joseph & Nancy Hodges, who like so many parents had lost a son at Gettysburg. The stories of Julius's family and Lorenzo's family are now unfolding - coming full circle 150 years later. There are times when research or connections in ancestry or genealogy give you chills and this was certainly one of them. My GG Grandfather (age 25 at the time of his death) wanted his story told and we were able to document it and honor a brave young soldier - the father of two very small little girls, Elnora Elsie & Agnes Aroa Hodges.

My mother is now 94 years old and is just learning this portion of her family history. It has been a wonderful experience to give her the gift of this story.

As July 1, 2013 approached, the 150th Anniversary of the American Civil War was commemorated in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania - a fact that sort of snuck up on me. I am honored to be a direct descendant of Sgt. Lorenzo Hodges of the PA 150th Regiment - known as the "Pennsylvania Bucktails". The PA 150th and 150 years ago - pretty significant! Lorenzo & Julius had both joined the Army together on August 18, 1862 for a period of 3 years and served in Company G of the 150th Pennsylvania Bucktails Regiment. They received a sign on bounty of $25.00 and the promise of $75.00 at the end of the war and 160 acres of land. Their pay during the war was only $13.00 a month. My GG Grandfather, Lorenzo was wounded on July 1st, 1863, having been shot three times (chest, hip & left hand). Though mortally wounded, Lorenzo was taken prisoner by Confederate forces to the McPherson barn where he died, weeks later. This is where Julius found him wounded & in pain and was able to remain there caring for him, while his regiment moved on. Lorenzo died in Julius's arms on the 16th of July 1863. This is a very moving story about the devotion of these two brothers and the compassion demonstrated by their commanders. After Lorenzo died, Julius felt obligated to move out immediately to rejoin his regiment. Both of these brave men served with honor and distinction. Sgt. Lorenzo Hodges is buried with honor, at Gettysburg in section #18, PA section; row C, lot #38, very close to where President Lincoln gave his famous Gettysburg Address. Julius went on to live a very distinguished life back in Annin Creek, PA in service to his community. The story of these two brothers from one generation and two sisters from another generation, that had their lives impacted by the Civil War, is rich with a Hodges family history of kindness and openness to anyone in need.

My mother was named for her grandmother, Elnora Elsye Hodges. Little Elnora Hodges, was 1 year and 9 months old at the time of her father's death and her sister, Agnes Hodges, was just a little over 5 yrs. old. Their mother Rosetta Coon Hodges, after being widowed, remarried in April of 1866 to Benjamin Delmage (a Civil War Veteran) and soon gave birth to 3 more daughters, Patience, Gertrude, & Jennie Rosetta Delmage Hargraves. The stress of preserving the family farm and keeping the family together, began to take its toll. In 1871 Agnes & Elnora were placed in the Civil War Orphans School of Mercer County, PA, but were occasionally allowed to spend time with their Uncle Julius, a most kind and gracious uncle and his family in Annin Creek, PA. Rosetta & her husband Benjamin Delmage, decided to move to Minneapolis, Minnesota in 1874. This was when Lorenzo's daughters were separated. Agnes was signed out of the orphanage to accompany her mother and Benjamin to Minn. with 2 of the 3 half-sisters (leaving Jennie behind) & Elnora return to Annin Creek to live with her Uncle Julius. Tragedy struck again, when Rosetta became ill with typhoid fever just two months after arriving in Minneapolis, Minn (now 1874). She died at the age of 35. Agnes then traveled with Benjamin Delmage and her two half-sisters, to Iowa and then on to the state (territory) of Washington.

Elnora married a handsome young man named Andrew Simpson in a double wedding with her cousin, Elizabeth "Betsey" Hodges and her fiance, Eli Buckley at the home of Julius Hodges in Oct. 1878. In the 1880 Census she is listed as, "Nora Simpson" and the migration then takes Elnora/Nora and Andrew to New York State. Julius and his family lost track of his nieces, Agnes & Elnora and as always, life went on.

Now, 150 years later, the generous spirit of the Great Grandson of Julius and the curiosity of the Great- Great Granddaughter of Lorenzo, have come together to share the accurate account of what happened to the two sisters and the promise of two brothers serving their country with the 150th Regiment of the Pennsylvania Bucktails. It just amazes me that 150 years later, this story unfolds and I am very honored to share it.

Christine A. Holley ©
July 28, 2013

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Hodges in Census Images
Hodges U.S. census records. The 1910 census lists Civil War survivors.

Hodges in Newspapers
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Hodges in PA County History Books
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