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Free Genealogy Biography of Samuel Hoeflich,
Pennsylvania Volunteer of the Civil War

Samuel Hoeflich

Samuel Hoeflich, retired merchant, Waynesboro, was born in Washington Township, Franklin Co. Penn. December 21, 1831; son of William and Susan (Royer) Hoeflich, who were born and married it, this county, the former of whom, a shoemaker by occupation, was born in 1800 and died in 1885. Our subject's ancestors on both sides, were of German origin and early settlers in Pennsylvania. Samuel Hoeflich, the oldest of seven children, acquired his education in the country schools of Washington Township.

At the age of sixteen he obtained a position in a dry goods store at Waynesboro, soon arose to prominence as a clerk; and for several years was considered the leading salesman here.

In 1862 he was drafted, and enlisted in Company E, One Hundred and Fifty-eighth Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, and when the company was organized he was appointed orderly sergeant. When the regimental officers were elected, the captain of Company E was made lieutenant-colonel, and our subject was appointed second lieutenant, in which capacity he served for ten months.

Returning home he continued in his former employment, clerking, and subsequently embarked in business for himself at Waynesboro. In 1864 he and Joseph Price (who was in the same business) combined their stores and did business under style of Price & Hoeflich. This firm carried on a successful business for many years, during which time they both invested largely in stock of the Frick Manufacturing Company, which has proven a successful investment. Mr. Price finally sold his interest in the store to Mr. D.M. Good, making the firm Hoeflich & Good, who continued the business for several years, when he sold out his interest (in 1881), since when has not been engaged in any active business.

Our subject married January 10, 1865, Maria, daughter of William Vandrau and of German origin. Mr. and Mrs. Hoeflich are members of the Reformed Church at Waynesboro, of which he has been deacon and elder. For several years he has been a director in the First National Bank at Waynesboro. He has ever been a public-spirited, enterprising man, and took an active interest in getting the railroad here. He was one of their principal movers to have the water-works established at Waynesboro. In politics he is a Republican. The family attended the services of St. Paul's Reformed Church.

Source: Biographical Annals of Franklin County, Pennsylvania : containing genealogical records of representative families, including many of the early settlers, and biographical sketches of prominent citizens; Chicago. Genealogical Pub. Co.. 1905. Notes: Prepared in part by George O. Seilhamer.

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