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Free Genealogy Biography of Richard Hoffman,
Pennsylvania Volunteer of the Civil War

Richard Hoffman

R.M. HOFFMAN, oil producer, is a son of James and Christina (Monjar) Hoffman, and was born October 15, 1835, in Clinton township. The paternal grandfather was James Hoffman, a German, whose parents emigrated from Germany and settled in Westmoreland county. He was born in 1773, and came to Venango county in 1797 and settled on the land where Andrew Hoffman now lives, in Clinton township. He was a wagon maker, and engaged in the making of agricultural implements for the farmers. He married Mary, daughter of Major Philip Ghost, one of the early settlers of Clinton. Their children were: Barbara; Mary; John; James; Daniel; Adam; Philip G.; Jacob; Elizabeth; Christina, and Catharine. He died about 1848, and his wife in 1848. James’ family consisted of five sons: Doctor K.M.; R.M.; Coulter; Samuel, and Philip; and four daughters: Caroline; Clementina; Mary, and Barbara.

Our subject was reared on the homestead and educated in the schools of the township.

In 1861 he enlisted in Company K, Fourth Pennsylvania Cavalry, and served until the close of the war; he participated in all of the battles fought by the Army of the Potomac; at the battle of Sulphur Springs all that reported of his company of the rank and file were one officer and two privates, he being one of them.

At the battle of Hatcher’s Run he was the color bearer, and received from General Gregg a furlough for standing to his colors when the regiment broke, his action causing them to rally.

After the close of the war he farmed until 1876, when he engaged in the oil business. He also operated a hotel near Clintonville in the oil excitement of 1876. He at present is engaged in operating five wells, in connection with his son.

He married, in 1859, Miss Elizabeth Martin, of Irwin township, and by this union they have three children: Martin R., Minnie, and Claudia C.

He is a member of the Church of God, and politically a Republican.

Source: History of Venango County, Pennsylvania: its past and present, including its aboriginal history, the French and British occupation of the country, its early settlement and subsequent growth, a description of its historic and interesting localities, its rich oil deposits and their development, sketches of its cities, boroughs, townships, and villages, neighborhood and family history, portraits and biographies of pioneers and representative citizens, statistics, etc.; Chicago, Ill.: Brown, Runk & Co., 1890.

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