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Free Genealogy Biography of Horace Hovis,
Pennsylvania Volunteer of the Civil War

Horace Hovis

Horace D. Hovis, son of Adam Hovis , enlisted in 1861 in the 111th P.V.I , 12th Corps, in the Shenandoah Valley; then the 11th and 12th Corps were consolidated, and called the 20th, by Gen. Hooker principally, and attached to the Western Army.

Horace D. was in the battles of Cedar Mountain, White Sulphur Springs, second Bull Run, where he was injured by a wagon running ever him; he went to the hospital, and after recovering joined his regiment at Harper’s Ferry, where he was taken ill, and if he had not been cared for by an old lady (Mrs. Kennedy) would have died.

He was discharged at Chester, Penn., on account of physical disability, but, in 1863, re-enlisted at Waterford in the same regiment and company, and participated in the battles of Resaca, Dallas, Pine Knob, Kenesaw Mountain, Peach Tree Creek and in Sherman’s march to the sea. His regiment and the Sixtieth New York were the first to enter Atlanta.

In June, 1865, he returned home, where he has since been chiefly engaged in blacksmithing. He married, in the fall of 1868, Miss Lucy O. Luke, a native of Ohio. This union has been blessed with six children, viz., Mary M., Alice H., Laura O., George A., Bertha and an infant. He is a member of the G.A.R. and I.O.O.F. He is a moral, upright citizen, and a first-class mechanic.

Source: History of Erie County, Pennsylvania; Volume 1; Chicago; Warner, Beers & Co.; 1884

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