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PA Civil War > Biography > Huidekoper  

Free Genealogy Biography of Henry Huidekoper,
Pennsylvania Volunteer of the Civil War

Henry Shippen Huidekoper

Huidekoper, Henry Shippen, soldier; born at Meadville, Pa., July 17, 1839; son of Edgar and Frances (Shippen) Huidekoper and grandson of Harm Jan and Rebecca (Calhoun) Huidekoper, Harm Jan having come to America from Holland in 1795; was graduated at Harvard College in 1862, and received, in 1872, the degree of A.M. from the same college; from 1898 to the present time one of the overseers of Harvard College; served in the War of the Rebellion as captain, lieutenant-colonel and colonel with the One Hundred and Fiftieth Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers, 150th Regiment, and while in command of his regiment at Gettysburg, on July 1, 1863, was wounded twice, losing his right arm.

He returned to service in Sept., 1863, but, prostrated by his wounds, had to resign from the army at Culpeper, Va., in 1864. He was appointed major-general in the National Guard of Pennsylvania by Governor Geary in 1870, and, as such, was active in the labor riots in 1877 under Governor Hartranft, solving at Scranton a question between the civil and military powers with such tact and firmness as to establish himself strongly in the confidence of the governor and the people.

Upon reorganization of the National Guard, with Governor Hartranft as the major-general, was appointed the senior brigadier-general in the guard; in 1879 he compiled and published a Manual of Service, which became an accepted authority on military matters. From 1880 to 1886 was postmaster at Philadelphia, and was credited with having organized and carried through the ounce measure for letters, instead of the former half ounce. Residence: Philadelphia, Pa.

Source: Builders of Our Nation: Men of 1913. Chicago, IL;1914.

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