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Free Genealogy Biography of Robert Jones
Pennsylvania Volunteer of the Civil War

Robert L. Jones

Robert L. Jones, a prominent slate manufacturer of Peach Bottom Township, is a native of Carnaervonshire, In north Wales, was born March 15, 1841; came to Peach Bottom Township in 1860, engaged in slate quarrying, in the employ of a Philadelphia company, and afterward for John Humphrey, August 22, 1862, he enlisted in Company A, Third Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery, 152nd Regiment, and served until June 14, 1865.

During the last eighteen months his company was on the gun-boat "Shrapnel." He was never on the sick list nor lost a day from duty. He was discharged with the rank of first sergeant at Camp Hamilton, Va., and returned to West Bangor, where he resumed work at his old place, and continued so employed until 1871, when he became associated with four partners in operating a quarry.

Selling out in 1879, he, in company with P. B. Shank, leased about twenty-five acres of slate land, and opened a new quarry about one-fourth mile from West Bangor, which was proved one of the most productive on the ridge. He manufactured, in 1883, with about twenty hands. 2,800 squares of roofing slate. Since 1882 Mr. Jones has been sole owner, and his entire time is given to the management of the business. Though he attended school in Wales only two years (between seven and nine), and about two months in America, yet he keeps his own books, and directs his large business unassisted.

He married, in Philadelphia, in 1870, Miss Isabella Roberts, a native of Wales, and has four children: Emma, William J., Arthur and Isabella. Both Mr. Jones and wife are members of the Calvinistic Methodist Church, and he is treasurer in the Esdraelon Lodge, A. F. & A. M., and also treasurer of the Building and Loan Association of Delta.

Source: York County, Pennsylvania Biographical History, John Gibson, Chicago: F.A. Battey Publishing Co., 1886.

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