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Free Genealogy Biography of William Kamerer,
Pennsylvania Volunteer of the Civil War

William Kamerer

William, son of Daniel L. and Anna Harriet (Daubenspeck) Kamerer, was born in Butler county, Pennsylvania, December 17, 1843, died March 28, 1892.

Until the outbreak of the civil war he worked on his father's farm. He enlisted, being drafted, June 10, 1861, in Company C, Forty-second Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, 42nd Regiment, and was discharged June 13, 1864. He was in the Seven Days' battle, the battles of Chancellorsville, Gaines Mill and Antietam. At Chancellorsville he was wounded, and he was for forty days a prisoner at Belle Island, being taken in the battle of Gaines Mill, June 27, 1862.

After the expiration of his first enlistment he re-enlisted. His later service was with the Army of the Potomac. He took part in the grand review at the close of the war.

All his life he was a farmer; at first he hired sixty-six acres, but he became the owner of one hundred and twenty acres in Butler county. Besides farming he was a carpenter and contractor; being, however, unable to do heavy work, his sons did most of his work. He was a member of Robert McDermott Post, Grand Army of the Republic, at Chicora. In politics he was a Republican. Both he and his wife were members of the German Reformed church.

He married, in 1865, Anna, born October 20, 1843, daughter of Robert and Amanda (Moore) Kinkaid. Her father was born in Butler county, Pennsylvania, of a pioneer family of the county, Scotch in origin. He owned one hundred acres of land which in 1876 he sold and removed to Illinois. In that state also he was a farmer and raised stock. The Kinkaids were Presbyterians.

Source: Genealogical and Personal History of Fayette County, John W. Jordan, Lewis Historical Publishing Co., 1912.

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