Free Genealogy Biography
of Samuel Kephart,
Pennsylvania Volunteer of the Civil War
Samuel A. Kephart
Samuel A., son of John Kephart, was born in Blair county, Pennsylvania, about 1835, died at Wilmore, Cambria county, Pennsylvania, July 17, 1875, from disease contracted in the army during the civil war. He was well educated, and until the war was a merchant of Frankstown.
He enlisted in and was lieutenant of Company E, One Hundred and Twenty-fifth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, 125th Regiment. He saw hard service, and was engaged at Antietam, Fredericksburg, and other historic battles of the civil war. He was a good soldier and won honorable mention.
In 1867 he moved to Wilmore, Cambria county, where he was in business until his death. He was a Republican, and always active in local affairs.
He married Henrietta B. Wolf, born in Blair county, a descendant of ex-Governor Wolf, of Pennsylvania, who survives him, a resident of Cambria county. Children: 1. Harmon Mortimore, of whom further. 2. Samuel A., a graduate of the United States Military Academy at West Point; saw service in the Spanish-American war, and is now a major in the regular army. 3. Schuyler C., died aged thirty years. 4. Gertrude R., married D. T. Easby, an official of the Pennsylvania railroad; resides at Newport, Pennsylvania. 5. John W., an attorney of Evensburg, Cambria county, Pennsylvania.
Source: Genealogical and Personal History of Fayette County, John W. Jordan, Lewis Historical Publishing Co., 1912.
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Kephart in Census Images
Kephart U.S. census records. The 1910 census lists Civil War survivors.
Kephart in Newspapers
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Kephart in PA County History Books
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