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Free Genealogy Biography of Captain Frank J. Magee
Pennsylvania Volunteer of the Civil War

Captain Frank J. Magee

Captain Frank J. Magee justice of the peace, was born at Wrightsville, December 8, 1837, and is the second son of James F. and Rosanna (Hinkle) Magee, of Chester and York Counties respectively, and of Irish and German descent. He received his primary education at the public schools of Wrightsville, and in 1855 he entered Georgetown College (D. C.) and graduated in 1859. Returning to Wrightsville he took charge of all the public schools for two years as principal.

November 28, 1861, he entered the military service as second lieutenant of Company I, Seventy-sixth Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, 76th Regiment (Col. Power), and served three years and three months. He was promoted to first lieutenant and captain, and served on the staffs of Gens. Terry, Ferry. Ames and Strong, participating in the battle of Olustee, Fla., the Sumpter campaign, and all battles along the coast, except Beaufort, N. C. At the battle of Cold Harbor, in 1864, he joined the Army of the Potomac, and served with that army until the expiration of his term of service.

Returning to Wrightsville, he again took charge of the schools till 1871, when in the fall of that year he was elected to the legislature from York County on the Democratic ticket. On his return he was elected justice of the peace and has held that office since.

At present he is regulator of the borough, president of the Wrightsville Hardware Company, director of the Wrightsville Iron Company, has been secretary of the school board for the past nine years, and captain of the "Wrightsville Grays" National Guard since 1872; is commander of Post 270, G. A. R., J. W. of Riverside Lodge, No. 503, A. F. & A. M., and was also editor of the Wrightsville Star in 1867-68-69-70.

He was married at Wrightsville August 6, 1867, to Martha H. Smith, daughter of R. W. Smith, Esq., and has two children, Robert S. and Helen M.

Source: York County, Pennsylvania Biographical History, John Gibson, Chicago: F.A. Battey Publishing Co., 1886.

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