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Free Genealogy Biography of John McAllister,
Pennsylvania Volunteer of the Civil War

John McAllister

John B. MCALLISTER, attorney at law, was born April 24, 1833, in Perry county, Pennsylvania. His parents, Alexander and Elizabeth (Baughman) McAllister, were natives of Lebanon and Cumberland counties, this state, respectively, and had eight children: Jacob and Alexander, who died young; Elizabeth, deceased; J.B.; Alfred U., a machinist, of Logansport, Indiana; William R., a physician, who was drowned in the Wabash river at Logansport, Indiana, while crossing in a canoe to visit a patient under his care; David A., a merchant at Mount Holly, Cumberland county, this state, and Calvin J., a practicing attorney at New Bloomfield, Pennsylvania.

J.B. McAllister was educated in the common schools and at New Bloomfield Academy, receiving at the latter able instruction under Matthew B. Patterson. He read law with W.A. Spousler, of New Bloomfield, was admitted to the bar in April, 1856, and in the fall of that year was elected district attorney of Perry county, Pennsylvania.

He recruited the Seventeenth Pennsylvania Cavalry in 1862, was sworn in as captain, but commissioned lieutenant colonel, and served nearly two years, until discharged because of disability.

January 28, 1865, he located at Oil City, where he has practiced successfully ever since April 25th of that year, when he was admitted to the Venango county bar.

He was married December 8, 1858, to Margaret E. Rice, a native of Perry county, and daughter of John and Margaret (Ickes) Rice. She died in 1870, and was the mother of four children: T.A., an attorney, practicing with his father; Margaretta E.; Marie L., who married C.F. Bole, and John R., a farmer in Alabama. Mrs. McAllister was a member of the Lutheran church.

In 1873 he was married again, to Emma Watson, a native of Niagara county, New York.

He has served as city attorney of Oil City, and was twice nominated by the Democratic party for state senator for the district; the same giving Hartranft fifteen hundred Republican majority, gave Mr. McAllister’s opponent only forty-four majority. He is a member of the Masonic order, Perseverance Lodge, No. 21, at Harrisburg, and he belongs to the Knights of Honor of Oil City.

Source: History of Venango County, Pennsylvania: its past and present, including its aboriginal history, the French and British occupation of the country, its early settlement and subsequent growth, a description of its historic and interesting localities, its rich oil deposits and their development, sketches of its cities, boroughs, townships, and villages, neighborhood and family history, portraits and biographies of pioneers and representative citizens, statistics, etc.; Chicago, Ill.: Brown, Runk & Co., 1890.

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