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Free Genealogy Biography of Augustus Miller,
Pennsylvania Volunteer of the Civil War

Augustus Israel Miller

Augustus Israel, son of Israel and Anna Maria (Sowers) Miller, was born February 22, 1821, died in Louisville, Kentucky, August 19, 1863. For many years he was a merchant at Brownsville.

In April, 1861, he enlisted for three months in the Twelfth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, 12th Regiment; he reenlisted in November of the same year for three years in the Seventh Regiment Pennsylvania Cavalry, 80th Regiment, and served under General Negley. His death, at the Seventh Ward Hospital, Louisville, was due to disease contracted in the service.

He was a Republican and a Baptist; his wives were Presbyterians.

He married (first) November 13, 1845, Elizabeth Kemerer, daughter of Dr. Louis and Sarah (Sackett) Marchand, who died March 18, 1848; (second) Rachel, also daughter of Dr. Louis and Sarah (Sackett) Marchand. Their grandfather, David Marchand, was born in the canton of Berne, Switzerland. Coming at an early age to America he settled near Hagerstown, Maryland, but afterward removed to Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania. He was a physician of rare ability. Dr. David Marchand died July 22, 1809.

All his sons became physicians. His children were: Catharine, born March 8, 1767; Elizabeth, November 5, 1768; Susanna, October 13, 1770; Judith, January 7, 1772; all these daughters settled in Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania; David, born in December, 1776, practiced in Westmoreland county; Louis.

Dr. Louis Marchand was born in December, 1782, died January 11, 1857. He married Sarah Sackett. Children: 1. Elizabeth Kemerer, married Augustus Israel Miller. 2. Samuel S., died in Libby Prison, February 18, 1863; he was a physician in Westmoreland county, and served in the civil war as captain of Company H, One Hundred and Thirty-sixth Pennsylvania Regiment, 136th Regiment. 3. Rachel, married Augustus Israel Miller, 4. Mary Louisa, married Thomas W. Lilly, he was a farmer in Jefferson township, Fayette county, Pennsylvania. 5. Frances Caroline, married John W. Ward; he was a farmer in Washington county, Pennsylvania. 6. Lucius, married Minerva Vandruff. 7. Catharine B., married Ellis M. Lilly; he was formerly a farmer in Washington county, Pennsylvania, but they now live at California, Pennsylvania. 8. and 9., died young.

Source: Genealogical and Personal History of Fayette County, John W. Jordan, Lewis Historical Publishing Co., 1912.

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