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PA Civil War > Biography >Ryan  Uriah Ryan

Free Genealogy Biography of Uriah Ryan,
Pennsylvania Volunteer of the Civil War


Uriah Ryan, farmer, post office Verona, was born in 1840, on the Atlantic ocean, while his parents, George and Hannah Ryan, were en route from Ireland to Pennsylvania. They located in the city of Allegheny, and both died of fever, in one night, when Uriah was six years old. Two years later the child was taken from the Allegheny and Pittsburgh orphan asylum, and reared by Josiah Sample, on the farm where he now dwells. He received a common-school education, and has always been a farmer.

June 3, 1863, he enlisted in the 1st P.C., known as "Negley’s Scouts," and after six months’ service was transferred to Battery H, 3d Artillery, 152nd regiment. With this body he served until the close of the war in the defenses about Washington and Baltimore.

He purchased a farm adjoining Mr. Sample’s, and on the death of the latter inherited his present residence. Mr. Ryan is a member of the G.A.R. He is a republican, and has served as school director and assessor, and is now supervisor.

He married, in 1866, Jane Sample, a native of Butler county, and to them seven children were born: Ella Sample, James, Josiah (died when ten years old), John, Charles Kelly, Urie and Malvern Hill. Mrs. Ryan’s parents were James and Catherine (Goehring) Sample, of German descent. Her great-grandfather, James Sample, of Irish blood, resided in Penn township in 1791. April 13th of that year several neighbors met at his house to arrange for the erection of a blockhouse to defend themselves against the Indians.

His son, Thomas, married Jane Gordon, and their son, Josiah, uncle of Mrs. Ryan, was born on this farm, where he died. He never married.

Source: History of Allegheny County; Cushing, Thomas; Chicago, 1889

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