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Free Genealogy Biography of William Sharp,
Pennsylvania Volunteer of the Civil War

William Woolverton Sharp

William Woolverton Sharp was born January 16, 1826, in the old village in this county, where he grew to manhood. He was a fair scholar, fond of reading, and his penmanship was remarkably clear and graceful. He taught school during the winter months, attending college in the summer season, and reading medicine with Dr. Matthew Clark.

In 1847 he was married to a Miss Margaret Sharp, of Washington county (who was no relation to his family). He died several years ago, and the obituary, written by his friend and comrade, James P. Sayer, reads thus: Dr. Sharp occupied a high position in his profession, his apt mechanical ability enabling him to perform difficult surgical operations with ease. In the sick room he was prompt and careful.

In September, 1862, when the war cloud was darkest, he was commissioned as assistant surgeon of the One Hundred and Fortieth, 140th Regiment, P. V. I. In March, 1864, he was promoted to surgeon of the Eighteenth Pennsylvania Cavalry, 163rd Regiment, with the rank of major. His arduous duties in the campaigns of 1864-65 told rapidly on his health and physical strength.

He resigned his commission in March, 1865, and sought the quiet of home. Partially recovering his health, he resumed the practice of medicine at Amity, this county where he continued to reside until his death. During the year 1858 the Doctor made a public profession of his faith in Christ, and united with the people of God. His special work was in the Sunday-school, and his natural ability to illustrate the lesson with blackboard exercises was truly wonderful. We predict the impressions made upon youthful minds by his crayon work will outlast the argumentative and impassioned appeals of those who failed to use the simpler methods that are most effective.

In his business as well as in his professional and religious work, he was a man of method. He did nothing carelessly, and in his work there was no room for rubbish. He never fully recovered his health after his return from the army, and during the winter of 1882-83 he contracted a heavy cold, which settled on his lungs. No man ever made a more methodical and determined resistance to disease than did he during the spring and early part of summer, fighting it inch by inch with Christian fortitude. He left no remedy untried to regain his strength, yet when he knew further resistance was futile, he met death only as a true Christian can, confident of his trust in God, and having met he found rest, leaving bright testimony for the encouragement of those whom he loved.

In the quiet of the closing hours of Sabbath, August 5, 1883, his comrades with whom he had mingled in war and in peace, in the presence of the bereaved family and friends, laid him to rest in the old churchyard, where his body shall rest until in response to his dying invitation, the loved ones shall meet him in the morning in the presence of God. He left a wife and seven children, namely: George W., Mary E., Jacob R, William H. P., James B., Emma B. and Isabel.

Source: Commemorative Biographical Record of Washington County, Pennsylvania; Chicago; J. H. Beers & Co., 1893.

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