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Free Genealogy Biography of A. J. Snively
Pennsylvania Volunteer of the Civil War

A. J. Snively

A. J. Snively, M. D., was born in Franklin County. Penn., in 1844; is a son of John and Catherine (Keefer) Snively, and is of Swiss origin; the father was born near Greencastle, Franklin County, in 1799; the mother was born in the same county in 1802, and died in 1854; the father died in 1853. The Snively family emigrated from Switzerland to America in 1707, and settled in Lancaster County, in the Province of Pennsylvania. Dr. Snively was educated in the public schools of Chambersburg. In 1859 he entered West Branch High School at Jersey Shore, Lycoming Co., Penn., and was there prepared for the junior class at Princeton College.

In 1863, he enlisted in Company D, Second Pennsylvania Infantry, and served one year.

In 1864 he was acting assistant-surgeon at Beverly, N. J. He graduated from the Bellevue Hospital Medical College, at New York, in 1866; located at Williamsburg, Blair County, where he was in practice two years, and then came to Hanover in 1867, where he has resided ever since. and has established a large and successful practice He was married, in 1875, to Miss Mazie E. Gitt, daughter of J. W. Gitt, of Hanover, and is the father of two children: John U. and Roie I. He is a Free Mason, and a Republican.

Source: York County, Pennsylvania Biographical History, John Gibson, Chicago: F.A. Battey Publishing Co., 1886.

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