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Free Genealogy Biography of John Sheldon Stevenson,
Pennsylvania Volunteer of the Civil War

John Sheldon Stevenson

John Sheldon Stevenson, merchant, Wilkinsburg, was born in Worthington, Armstrong county, Pa, September 26, 1831. His parents, William and Mary (Sheldon) Stevenson, natives of Pennsylvania, and of Scotch and German descent, located on a farm near Tarentum in 1837.

John S. passed his early years on the farm there, and when thirty-eight years old took employment at the Duquesne Coal-works, where he was superintendent for over a year.

In 1861 he enlisted, serving three months in the "Scotch Legion." He then joined Company B, Sixty-third Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, and was discharged at the end of three years’ service as first lieutenant. He served with the Army of the Potomac in the battles of Yorktown, Williamsburg, the seven days’ fight, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Spottsylvania, Cold Harbor and around Petersburg.

After leaving the army he returned to the coal-mines, and in 1867 began his present business. He afterward bought the store he occupies, and does the largest retail business in the borough.

Mr. Stevenson is now serving his thirteenth year as school director. Politically he is a republican. He is a Thirty-second degree Freemason, and a member of the I.O.O.F., A.O.U.W. and R.A. With his family he is associated with the Methodist Episcopal Church.

In 1867 Mr. Stevenson married Miss Zelous Fogle, sister of Mrs. S. Creelman. Their living children are Mary Lottie, Harry Sheldon and John Wilbur, William Walter died when six years old and Charles Hollister when four.

Source: History of Allegheny County; Thomas Cushing; Chicago: A. Warner & Co. 1889.

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