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PA Civil War > Newspapers > Adams Sentinel

PA Civil War Era Newspaper Transcription
Adams County, Pennsylvania

Adams Sentinel - July 9, 1861

Tribute of Respect

Two members of the Company from this place, under the command of Capt. Buehler, have died - the result of exposure at Camp in York - Mr. Welsh, at the Eagle Hotel, Gettysburg, and Mr. Tawney, at Chambersburg. The following resolutions were adopted at a meeting of the Company at Camp Cameron, near Hagerstown, on 24th of June:

"Camp Cameron, June 24, 1861. Whereas, it has pleased Almighty God to strike down by the hand of death two of our companions in arms, who a few motnths since left home and friends to assist in upholding the Constitution and the laws: Therefore, be it and it is hereby

Resolved, That in the death of Leander Welsh, who died in Gettysburg, on the 20th inst. and Van Buren Tawney, who died in Chambersburg on the 25th inst. Company E, 2nd Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, has lost two good men, who by their correct deportment and strickt attention to duty, had won the respect and affection of both officers and men.

Resolved, That we sympathize and mourn with the friends and relations of the desceased.

Resolved, That these resolutions be published in the papers of Gettysburg. Civil War Databases

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