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PA Civil War > Newspapers > Miner's Journal of Schuylkill County

PA Civil War Era Newspaper Transcription
Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania

Miner's Journal - June 14, 1862:

Returned Prisoners_ The following members of the 15th Regiment, P.V. who were captured at Falling Waters; on the 2nd of July, 1861, have been released. Some of them belong to Minersville, this County, and have reached home. They do not give the most flattering description of rebel accommodations:
J Wooley, J. Thomas, G. Went, C. Schlotterbeck, H. Shankey, A. Saylor, G.W. Walters, G. Thretto, J. Wilson, J. Williams, D.S. Sibert, G.W. Threkeld.

Miner's Journal - June 14, 1864

The killed and wounded of our regiments in the Late Battles - the 96th, 48th, 50th and other regiments in which they are gallant souls from Schuylkill County, have undoubtedly suffered in the battles of the week in Virginia, and the anxiety to hear from them, is intense in this community. We were in hopes that we would be able to furnish this week, some intelligence of the casualties, but what we have received so far is meager. We learn from a letter in yesterday's Philadelphia Inquirer dated 'Spottsylvania Court House May 11' that in the terrible battle of Tuesday last, May Levi Huber of the 96th Regiment was seriously wounded. His many friends trust that it will not preclude his recovery, for he is a gallant officer and an estimable citizen.

The only names wounded that we have seen published in the daily papers up to yesterday are as follows:

96th Regiment, P.V.
H. C. Neathamer, thigh;
Michael Yoast, arm;
John Donegan, hand;
Joseph Eick, hand;
Solomon Mayer, groin;
Charles Eick, leg;
George Moyer, Co. E.

Miner's Journal - 1864

A correspondent of the New York World reports that Captain Scott Co. E U.S.C.T. was during the last assault on the enemies works at Petersburg wounded and taken prisoner. A letter from the 2nd Lieut. of the company says that the last seen of him he was in the opening made by the explosion and in the act of surrendering unhurt. There is every reason to believe he is a prisoner and unharmed.
Scott will be sent to Libby Prison and paroled on March 8, 1865.
Prior to his enlistment in the U.S.C.T. he was a member of the 141st Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry and during the November 1863 battles on the Rappahannock, he was wounded and taken prisoner, but was exchanged a few days later. He described his treatment in the hands of the rebels as having been good. But they were short on provisions and medical supplies.

Miner's Journal - September 1864

George M Boyer, son of Israel and Mariah Boyer a member of Company F 7th Pa. Cav. died in hospital at Andersonville, Ga. Sept. 30, 1864 aged 22 years and 8 months. When the traitors assaulted our government and tore down our emblem of liberty, George considered the interest of his country as paramount to all other interests and gave his service to it. For nearly 4 years he acted the part of a true and brave soldier participating in some 18 or 20 battles and at not time was he found absent from his post of duty. He fell as a man, he died for his country. He sleeps quietly on the southern soil. Peace to his ashes and comfort to his friends.

Miner's Journal - December 3,1864

Members of the 96th Regiment still prisoners in the hands of the Rebels.- From Christofer Kane, of Co. C, 96th Regiment, an exchanged prisoner who reached Annapolis last week, we have received the following letter, with a request to publish. Mr. Kane was captured in the summer of 1863, after the battle of Gettysburg, and was a prisoner up to last week. He was confined first at Libby Prison, next at Belle Isle, next at Castle Thunder, and afterwards at Andersonville. Fortunately, his health was good during the term of his imprisonment. His letter, giving information of other members of this regiment is as follows:

Miner's Journal - February 4, 1865

Victims of Rebel Cruelty
Mike Crintin Co. C 48th Regiment died in prison at Salisbury N.C. November 29 1864. P. Heneran Co. H same regiment died in the same prison on the 25th of November. These men with hundreds of others were starved to death by the rebels.

Miner's Journal - March 8, 1865

Captain D.W. Scott a paroled prisoner is at Annapolis along with Captain Gray (151st) Lieut. Heffner (67th) and others.

Miner's Journal - March 25, 1865:

Union dead in Salisbury, N.C. on Tuesday last the New York Tribune published a list comprising about 1200 names of prisoners who died in Salisbury pens during the months of December, January and February victims of rebel brutality, in the list are the names of the following soldiers from Schuylkill.

Elijah Defrhem Co. F 48th Dec. 30
Charles Dindnyer Co. C 48th Feb. 11
William Fulton Co. F 48th Feb. 11
Samuel Schollenberger Co. A 48th Jan. 13

Miner's Journal - April 1, 1865

Death of A Soldier:- John C. Hoskins was born in Minersville, this county, September 27, 1839, and died in this borough, March 27, 1865 aged 25 years and 6 months. His funeral was one of the largest and most impressive ever witnessed in Minersville. The military, Odd Fellows, firemen and a large number of citizens attended. Mr. Hoskins entered the service of the United States at the commencement of the Rebellion, in the 15th Regiment, in April, for three months. He was taken prisoner on the 2nd of July 1861, near Haynesville Va. and was sent through Martinsburg, to Charlotsville, where he remained a few days, and was then transferred to Libby Prison, Richmond. From there he was taken to New Orleans, and subsequently to Salisbury, North Carolina. While at the later place he was paroled and entered our lines at New Bern, N.C. in 1862, having been a prisoner for eleven months. At the time the nine months troops were being raised, he reenlisted in the service notwithstanding his exchange had not been effected. He entered the 129th Regiment, Col. J. Frick and was wounded at the Battle of Fredricksburg. After the battle he was promoted to 1st Sgt. of his Company. He was a good soldier, and an admirable man in all relations of life.

Miner's Journal - April 1, 1865

Henry Clay Graeff, 1st. Lieut. Company D 48th P.V. died in this borough on Wednesday last from disease contracted in rebel prisons. At the time of his death he was in the 21st year of his age. He had been in the 48th Regiment since its organization and was known as thoroughly good soldier. His father Franklin is a member of the same company, and is now with his command. Henry was taken prisoner at the fight on the Weldon R.R. in September last, and was a prisoner up to a fortnight of his death. At the time of his capture he was a Sergeant of his company, and was commissioned a lieutenant shortly after while he was in rebel hands. The remains of Lieut. Graeff will be interred tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock.

Miner's Journal - June 17, 1865

Sudden death of a returned soldier: A soldier of the 95th William Boyd a returned prisoner from Andersonville dropped dead on Center Street. The cause was apoplexy. The deceased lived on Port Carbon Road.

Miner's Journal - June 27, 1865

Mr. Joehna Reed of Barry Township died at his fathers residence age 30 years 8 months. He died from the effects of starvation at Salisbury N.C.

Miner's Journal - June 27, 1865

Paroled Union Prisoners: The Government Steamer Thetas arrived at Annapolis Md. from Florida and Hilton Head. Landed 304 Union Prisoners and 35 commissioned officers.
David Pritchard A Co. 96th
John J. Howe K Co. 96th
E. McCormick A Co. 96th

Miner's Journal - July 15, 1865

The following soldiers from this County, died in prison at Andersonville, Ga. between February 1864 and March 1865.
J Brenny, Private Co. E 48th Reg. died July 8, 1865. Grave number 3027.
J.S.Bannan, private, Co. E 55th Regiment died October 15, 1864 Number of Grave 10,983
J. Fetterman, private, Co. H 48th Regiment died September 8, 1864. Number of grave 8,173
E. Gallagher private, Co. E 48th Regiment Died August 22, 1864. Number of grave 6,349 H.Helm, private, C.

Miner's Journal - August 9, 1865

Another victim of rebel cruelty, Walter P. Aims late a member of Co. D 48th Regiment P.V. died at Salldasburg, Lycoming County on the 12th from the effects of starvation and brutality which he endured in rebel prisons. His age at the time of his death was 21 years 6 months.

Major William Moorehead, Major of the 76th Pa. Regiment has been mustered out after a faithful service of nearly 4 years duration. He enlisted September 13, 1861 as a private when only 18 years old and rose step by step to the Majority of his command. He served in South Carolina and was with Butler in his movements on the James in 1864. Major Moorehead was captured for 2 months until exchanged. His career was highly honorable in every respect and we are proud of him as a son of Schuylkill.

Miner's Journal - The Miners Journal List

In late December 1886 the Miners Journal printed an advertisement requesting all men who were prisoners of war during the Civil War should send in their names. The following list of names is from the Journals list.

1.  Thomas Alderson      Pottsville
2.  William Anspach      Pottsville
3.  Andrew Arnold        Girardville
4.  James Bartholomew     Pottsville
5.  Thomas Brennan       Pottsville
6.  William Beltz        Pottsville
7.  Abraham Berger       Auburn
8.  John Billey          Sch. Haven
9.  John E. Bubeck       Sch. Haven
10. C.L. Bartholomew     Port Gibson, Ontario Co. N.Y.
11. Albert Berdy         Girardville
12. C.W. Cooper          Pottsville
13. Jacob Deppen         Pottsville
14. Francis Deams        Pottsville
15. John Dooley          Middleport
16. Joseph Edwards       St. Clair
17. Charles Focht        Pottsville
18. Thomas Flynn         Pottsville
19. Joseph Fetherolf     Ashland
20. H.O. Fernsler        Shenandoah
21. William Gray         Pottsville
22. James Goldsmith      Pottsville
23. Edward Haus          Pottsville
24. Steven Heran         Pottsville
25. George W. Huth       Pottsville
26. Frank Hause          Pottsville
27. Adam Haekler         Pottsville
28. Jacob Haerter        Tremont
29. William Houlahan     Mahanoy City
30. John Henry Heakler   Pittsburg
31. Mike Kelly           Pottsville
32. Reuben Kamp          Tremont
33. William Killian      Sch. Haven
34. Mike Larkin          Pottsville
35. William Lewthart     Mahanoy Plain
36. S.H. Lutz            Mahanoy City
37. J.D. Lutz            Mahanoy City
38. Edward McCormick     Pottsville
39. John McBarron        Pottsville
40. John McElrath        Pottsville
41. John Martz           Pottsville
42. Isaac Martz          Tremont
43. Mike Moran           Broad Mountain
44. C.P. Potts           Pottsville
45. David Pritchard      Pottsville
46. Ruch Samuel          Pottsville
47. William Robson       Pottsville
48. Frank S. Reber       Pottsville
49. John Rohrbach        Ashland
50. Joseph Richards      Eckley
51. George Snyder        Pottsville
52. William Smedley      Pottsville
53. John Stevenson       Pottsville
54. John Shaw            Pottsville
55. Peter Schnerring     Pottsville
56. Jacob Schroeder      Tremont
57. Morgan Shoener       New Philadelphia
58. Jacob Schroeder      Pine Grove
59. Joel Strausser       Joliett
60. Edward Titus         Pottsville
61. Abraham Wineland     Pottsville
62. Andrew G. Wren       Pottsville  Civil War Databases

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