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Greene County, Pennsylvania Civil War Pension

Pension Roll of 1883

Explanation of Columns on the pension list:

This list includes those on the U. S. Civil War pension list in 1883 but it is not inclusive of all Civil War pensions granted by the U.S. government because:
  • Additional pensions were granted after January 1, 1883
  • Some Civil War pensioners were deceased by this date and thus will not appear on this roll.

The 1883 roll also includes several veterans and widows who were receiving pensions for service during the War of 1812.

  • The pension certificate numbers as reported on this list have not been verified with current records maintained at the U.S. Archives
  • The post office reported is the residence of the pensioner in December 1882.
  • The cause column provides the reason for which the pension was granted (wound, injury, disease, etc.- see abbreviation explanations below) or lists the relationship of pensioners who were next of kin to those killed or who died while serving in the army or navy.
  • The rate reported was the monthly amount received by the pensioner
  • The date provided is that of the original allowance.

Civil War pension records at NARA typically have birth dates, addresses of next of kin, medical information, proof of marriage, proof of children's births, a summary of military service, death certificates, and much more.

You can use the information on this list to send away for pension records from the National Archives (NARA); however, the pension certificate numbers may not match the current record numbers at the U.S. archives and should not be used to request pension records.

Greene County, Pennsylvania
Civil War Pension Roll of 1883
Organized by 1882 P.O. address of pensioner

Pensioner Certificate Post Office Cause Rate Date
Adams, Milinda 38712 Aleppo widow 8.00 June 1868
Adams, Nancy 98230 Bristoria widow 8.00 Aug. 1867
Amos, Cahterine 59907 Aleppo widowed with minor 8.00 Nov. 1808
Armstrong, Oliver 189443 Rutan inc.w.r.ft., loss toe 4.00 June 1881
Avery, Elizabeth 67288 Wind Ridge widow 8.00 Aug. 1868
Bain, Nancy 140840 Ruff Creek mother 8.00 Mar. 1870
Baker, Rachel 161794 Waynesburgh mother 8.00 July 1877
Barnett, Jesse L 51430 Ryerson's Station dis 8.00 Oct. 1865
Barnett, Samuel H 134652 Ryerson's Station g.s.w.l.thigh 6.00 July 1875
Barent, Peter 183339 Ryerson's Station rheum 8.00 Feb. 1881
Barnhart, Hannah 374343 Wind Ridge widow 8.00 July 1876
Barnhart, Lucinda 84419 Wind Ridge widow 8.00 Mar. 1867
Bayne, Charles W 132046 Waynesburgh g.s.w.r.shldr 6.00 Feb. 1875
Belford, Amelia 143115 Waynesburgh mother 8.00 June 1870
Bethel, Richard 138318 New Freeport g.s.w.l.leg 5.00 Mar. 1876
Birch, James 159074 Carmichael's g.s.wd. of head 6.00 Apr. 1879
Black, Lindsey 137922 Waynesburgh g.s.w.l.knee 5.00 Feb. 1876
Bland, Sarah 28110 Spragg's widow 8.00 Dec. 1879
Broomgaugh, Catharine 144620 Mapletown mother 8.00 Aug. 1870
Burke, Mary 113354 Waynesburgh mother 8.00 May 1868
Burris, Sarah 10879 Mount Morris widow 1812 8.00 Nov. 1878
Carson, John H 15081 Waynesburgh wd. of r. knee 6.00 June 1876
Chaney, Jesse 77283 White cottage g.s.w.r. hand 6.00 June 1876
Chapman, Silas 131498 Waynesburgh g.s.w.l. arm 6.00 Jan. 1875
Cheever, Nancy 197161 Brock mother 8.00 June 1876
Church, James M 76629 Waynesburgh g.s.w.l. hand 12.00 Oct. 1874
Church, Rinehart B 183632 Rogersville g.s.w.face & nose 4.00 Mar. 1881
Clark, Francis M. 176006 Carmichael's rheum 4.00  
Clayton, Sarah J 185507 Waynesburgh mother 8.00 June 1879
Coleman, Sarah 185647 Mount Morris mother 8.00 Oct. 1879
Cooke, Joseph 167014 Waynesburgh g.s.w.hd. & breast 8.00 Apr. 1880
Cottarrel, William Jr 209630 Waynesburgh g.s.w.r. leg 4.00 May 1882
Cortwright, Jas. H 192667 Ryerson's Station loss r.ind. fin 3.00 July 1881
Crago, Lucinda 32376 Rice's Landing widow 1812 8.00 Apr. 1882
Crago, W.m. H. 47588 Carmichael's loss of sight 72.00 Jan 1878
Crags, Catharine 14171 Rice's Landing widow 8.00 Jan. 1879
Crags, Eunice 63870 Rice's Landing widow 8.00 July 1868
Crass, Rebecca 64004 Wind Ridge widow 8.00 June 1868
Cree, Alexander D 96998 Rice's Landing g.s.w.l.ankle 6.00 Apr. 1869
Daily, Elisha 133436 Wind Ridge g.s.w.l. thigh 6.00 May 1875
Davis, Sarah 27480 Waynesburgh surv. 1812 8.00 Oct. 1879
Day, Milton 172826 Waynesburgh dis. of liver 4.00 Aug. 1881
Dean, Henry 182938 Mount Morris g.s.w.r.cheek 8.00 Feb. 1881
Deboh, Margaret 110034 Big Tree widow 8.00 Mar. 1868
Deem, Elizabeth 191700 Ruff Creek widow 8.00 Apr. 1881
Deer, Benjamin F 202625 Mount Morris g.s.w.l.foot 2.00 Feb. 1882
Delaney, Catherine 19464 Brock widow 8.00 July 1867
Devall, Joanna 103667 Thom's Run widow 8.00 Nov. 1887
Dicsinson, William L. 140571 Waynesburgh dis. of lungs 2.00 Aug. 1876
Dougherty, George W. 68839 Carmichael's dis. 8.00 July 1866
Dugan, Samuel W. 175354 Carmichael's rheum 6.00  
Dulany, Margaret 188625 Kirby mother 8.00 June 1880
Durbin, John 71102 Wind Ridge sabre wd. hd. and bk. 12.00 Mar. 1875
Dusbin, Nancy J. 72429 Wind Ridge widow 8.00 May 1866

Abbreviations used in the 1883 pension roll:

  • amp. - amputated

  • atr. - atrophy

  • chr. - chronic

  • diarr. - diarrhea

  • dis. - disease

  • frac. - fracture

  • g.s.w. - gun shot wound

  • inj. - injury

  • l. - left

  • ls. - loss

  • par. - partial

  • paral. - paralysis

  • r. - right

  • rheum. - rheumatism or rheumatic

  • shl., sh. - shell or shrapnel

  • shoul. - shoulder

  • w., wd. - wound

Abbreviated names:

  • Charles - Charles
  • Dan'l - Daniel
  • George - George
  • Jas. - James
  • John - John
  • Jos. - Joseph
  • Rob't - Robert
  • Samuel - Samuel
  • Thomas - Thomas
  • William - William

Source: Pensioners on the Roll, January 1, 1883, Volume II

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