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Free Genealogy Biography of Tilghman H. Good,
Pennsylvania Volunteer of the Civil War

Tilghman H. Good

COLONEL TILGHMAN H. GOOD. - Henry Good, the grandfather of Colonel Tilghman Good, emigrated from Switzerland, and settled in South Whitehall township, Lehigh Co., Pa., where he was an enterprising farmer. His children were three sons - Nathan, James, and Henry - and five daughters, - Mary, Leah, Hettie, Eliza, and Anna. James was born in South Whitehall township, May 24, 1804, and died Dec. 21, 1838, having succeeded to the employment of his father. He married Mary Blumer, born Feb. 6, 1807, daughter of Abram Blumer, of the same township, and had children, - Edwin (deceased), Tilghman H., James (deceased), Sarah (Mrs. Rufus Snyder), Henrietta (Mrs. Russel Thayer), and Caroline (Mrs. William Reinsmith).

Tilghman H. Good was born Oct. 6, 1830, in South Whitehall. When eight years of age, his father having died, the lad found a home with his uncle, Peter Blank, with whom he remained until his sixteenth year, his time having been occupied with labor upon the farm and attendance at the neighboring school. He then removed to Allentown and became an apprentice to the trade of a shoemaker. On completing his term of service he removed to Philadelphia, and for two years continued to exercise his skill upon the bench. On returning to Allentown he opened a boot and shoe store, and continued thus engaged until 1849, when he became the landlord of the Allen House, and after a period of four years in connection with the latter enterprise he resumed his former business.

Colonel Good was, on the 6th of April, 1851, married to Miss Mary, daughter of Amandus Trexler, of Allentown, to whom was born one child, who died in infancy. On the organization of the Allentown Bank, colonel Good was elected paying teller, which position he filled for four years, when he engaged in the sale of hats and shoes.

He had for many years been identified with the militia of the State, as commander of the Allen Rifles and brigade inspector for the county. His military ardor and patriotism alike prompted him to offer his services to the government in the emergency. He assisted in the organization of the First Pennsylvania Regiment of Volunteers, of which he was made lieutenant-colonel.

After three months' service he organized the Forty-seventh Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, and for three years and two months participated actively as its commander in many of the most important events of the war. The regiment was at various times highly complimented for its efficiency, and enjoyed the confidence of the commander of the department.

On retiring from active service colonel Good became landlord of the American Hotel, and two years later embarked in the real estate, insurance, and banking business, which was continued until 1879, when he became a second time landlord of the Allen House. He has been largely identified with the growth and business development of Allentown, as director and former secretary and treasurer of the Elliger Real Estate Association, and member of the building committee to erect the Adelaide Silk-Mills, and in many other important interests. colonel Good has been for many years an influential advocate of the principles of the Democracy in his county. He was in 1858 elected to the State Legislature, serving on various important committees.

He was in 1868 elected mayor of Allentown, re-elected in 1870, and at a later period served in the same official capacity for a third term. He is also a member of the Allen Commandery of Knights Templar.

Source: History of the Counties of Lehigh and Carbon.,, Mathews, Alfred & Austin N. Hungerford, 1884.

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