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Free Genealogy Biography of John Klugh
Pennsylvania Volunteer of the Civil War

John Klugh

John Klugh is a native of York County, Penn., was born May 11, 1816, and is a son of George and Hannah (Klugh) Klugh, of Lancaster and York Counties respectively. His grandfather came from Germany, and settled in Lancaster County, where he engaged in farming. George Klugh was a carpenter, and followed his trade in Franklin Township until 1878, when he died at the age of eighty-four years.

He was blessed with the following children: John, George, Henry, Frederick, Peter, Joseph, Clarissa and Philip (deceased), Capt, Klugh remained at home until his fifteenth year, when he began learning the carpenter's trade which he followed for thirty years. In 1860 he began mercantile business in Franklintown, where he was also postmaster.

In 1864 he was elected captain of Company I, Two Hundred and Ninth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, 209th Regiment, and with his regiment, was engaged in the battles of Hatcher's Run, and Fort Steadman. In the latter engagement the was wounded in the arm; being disabled for further duty, he returned home and resumed the mercantile business.

In 1881 he sold his stock of goods to his son-in-law, George Lehmer, and commenced farming, owning about 250 acres of improved land; 100 acres of wood land, and 234 acres in Washington Township. He also owns two houses and ten lots in Franklintown, all of which he accumulated by hard labor; held the office of jury commissioner, and is also a justice of the peace. He was married in 1848, to Henrietta Ritter, daughter of Henry Ritter, one of the earliest settlers of York County, they have the following children: Mary, Alice, Harry, John and Milton B. They belong to the Lutheran Church in Franklintown, to which Captain Klugh has given the ground, and is otherwise interested in the erection of a new church.

Source: York County, Pennsylvania Biographical History, John Gibson, Chicago: F.A. Battey Publishing Co., 1886.

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