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Free Genealogy Biography of Frederich S. Stumbaugh
Pennsylvania Volunteer of the Civil War

General Frederich S. Stumbaugh

General Frederich S. Stumbaugh, attorney, North Topeka, was born near Shippensburg, Pa., April 14, 1817. He was educated in the common schools of his native State, he resided at Hagerstown, Md., from the spring of 1841 until the spring of 1843; then returned to Pennsylvania and located at Chambersburg until he came to Kansas, except during the period that he was in the army.

As early as August 20, 1844, he became connected with the military affairs of his native State being then commissioned captain of the "Independent Blues" and was known as "Franklin County Regiment," State Militia.

April 20, 1861, was commissioned Colonel of Second Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, 2nd Regiment, three months service; September 20, 1861, he became Colonel of the Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, 77th Regiment, he having been about one month raising the regiment.

November 20, 1862, he was promoted to Brigadier General, but owing to ill health he was honorably discharged December 7th of the same year, but entered upon staff duty Gen. Couch, and was at the battle of Gettysburg; but finally his health becoming worse, he left the service in October, 1863.

In 1866 and '67 he was a member of the Pennsylvania Legislature. He was admitted to the bar in the spring of 1851, and immediately began practice at Chambersburg.

He was married in that city September 16, 1841, to Sophia Cressler, native of Southampton Township, Franklin County, Pa. They have five children living -Isador A., a farmer; George S. W., Leah E., now Mrs. W. S. Davison of Topeka; Thomas J., a printer, and Mary F., an unmarried daughter. The General is a member of the I. O. O. F., having joined that order in 1841; he is also connected with the Druids, K. of P., American Mechanics Association, and the G. A. R.; he came to Kansas in November, 1877, locating at Rush Centre, Rush County; was elected a member of the Kansas Legislature in 1878; came to Topeka to reside in February, 1881.

He has been engaged in practice since he was admitted to the bar, except while doing service in the army. While at Chambersburg he was in partnership for some time with Hon. John Stewart, who was in 1882 candidate for Governor of Pennsylvania on the Independent ticket; most of the time while at Rush Centre, Eugene N. Gunn was his law partner; now he is alone in practice.

Source: History of the State of Kansas; William G. Cutler; A.T. Andreas, Chicago, IL; 1883

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