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Free Genealogy Biography of Hugh Thompson,
Pennsylvania Volunteer of the Civil War

Hugh Thompson

Hugh Thompson, son of Francis (2) and Nancy (Heddan) Duff, was born in Menallen township, Fayette county, Pennsylvania, March 21, 1833. He obtained his education in the public schools at Upper Middletown, leaving to learn the blacksmith's trade, which, however, he never followed. Until he was twenty years of age he helped his father in the various duties of farm life, then left home and worked for the neighboring farmers. He followed the occupation of a farmer all his life, first in Menallen township, then in Preston county, West Virginia, next in Dunbar and Franklin townships, finally in 1895, purchasing one hundred acres of land of Daniel Townsend in Perry township, on which he still lives. He is a Democrat of the old Jackson type, and has filled the office of tax collector for Menallen township.

He enlisted in the Union army in Company F, One Hundred and First Regiment Pennsylvania Infantry Volunteers, 101st Regiment, March 7, 1865, and was honorably discharged and mustered out June 25, 1865. Most of his service was in the Carolinas. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church.

He married, April 4, 1861, Diana Hornbeck, born in Washington township, Fayette county, Pennsylvania, September 19, 1837, died January 30, 1909, daughter of Abraham and Easter (Dobbs) Hornbeck. Abraham Hornbeck was a merchant, hotel proprietor and farmer of Franklin township, moving from there to Illinois, where he died.

Children of Hugh Thompson and Diana (Hornbeck) Duff: 1. Annie Jane, born January 27, 1862; married Z. T. Leighty, a farmer of Dunbar township. 2. Charles Henry, born April 15, 1863, died April 22, 1868. 3. Francis Moore, born August 27, 1864; conducts a saw mill in Monongahela county, West Virginia. 4. George Murrey, born October 28, 1869; married Sarah Ripple, and lives in Perryopolis, Pennsylvania. 5. Ewing McClay, born April 9, 1871; manages the home farm. 6. Albert, born July 20, 1872; married Bessie Stimmell, and lives in Perryopolis, Pennsylvania. 7. Walter, born December 6, 1874; a carpenter, lives with father. 8. Maud Blanche, born August 23, 1876, lives at home. 9. Hugh Thompson (2), born January 18, 1881, lives at home.

Source: Genealogical and Personal History of Fayette County, John W. Jordan, Lewis Historical Publishing Co., 1912.

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