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Free Genealogy Biography of George Welsh,
Pennsylvania Volunteer of the Civil War

Honorable George W. Welsh

Honorable George W. Welsh, attorney at law, Waynesboro, was born in Waynesboro, this county, July 19, 1833, son of Jacob R. and Margaret, (Reilly) Welsh, the latter a native of the county and of Irish and Scotch and Welsh lineage; they are still residents of Waynesboro, where the father, now in his seventy eighth year (a hatter by trade), carried on business for many years.

Our subject is the eldest in a family of eight children, six of whom are now living. He was reared in his native borough, and there attended school. He studied law in the office of J. McDowell Sharpe and his uncle, Wilson Reilly, at Chambersburg, Penn. and was admitted to the bar October 29, 1856. He first practiced in Fulton County, but was there only one year when he returned to Chambersburg, Penn.

At the breaking out of the war of the Rebellion he enlisted in Company B, Second Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, 2nd Regiment, for three months, and was elected second lieutenant. He re-enlisted in Company A, One Hundred and Twenty-sixth Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, 126th Regiment, for nine months, and was elected second lieutenant, subsequently promoted first lieutenant, and at the expiration of his term of service he received an honorable discharge.

He has always voted the Democratic ticket. He was elected prothonotary of Franklin County in 1869, serving three years, and in 1873 was elected to the Legislature of the State of Pennsylvania. At the close of the session Mr. Welsh continued his practice in Chambersburg until 1876, when he returned to his native town, where he has since continued in active practice.

The Welsh family are of English origin, having moved from England to Germany at an early date, but for several generations were residents of Germany. Our subject's great-great-grandfather came from that country to America in 1732, and settled in York County, Penn. His son Henry, great-grandfather of our subject, was, a lieutenant in the Revolutionary war. In 1779 he (Henry Welsh) was tax collector of the Heidelberg District, York County, Penn. and our subject has his receipt (still in a good state of preservation) which calls for £500. George W. Welsh was united in marriage in 1874 with Anna Allison, of Scotch-Irish origin, and their children are Margaret and Charles.

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Welsh in Census Images
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Welsh in PA County History Books
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