PA Civil War
Civil War History in Venango County, PA
VENANGO COUNTY IN THE CIVIL WAR. extracted from the book History of Venango County, Herbert C. Bell, 1890
The recommendation regarding the formation of a distinctively Venango regiment was found impracticable, and no emergency occurred to require the organization of a "home guard," but the action of the meeting shows that the citizens were thoroughly aroused to the importance of taking prompt and decisive measures. Party distinctions were for the time obliterated in the consciousness of a common danger. The meeting had an influence in stimulating loyalty and concentrating public attention to the one issue at stake which could scarcely have been accomplished through any other agency. THIRTY-NINTH REGIMENT— TENTH RESERVE.
39th Regiment
The Tenth regiment of the Pennsylvania Reserve Corps was organized in the western part of the state, and rendezvoused at Camp Wilkins, near Pittsburgh, where an organization was effected in June, 1861, by the election of John S. McCalmont, of Venango county, a West Point graduate and regular army officer, as colonel; James T. Kirk, lieutenant colonel, and Harrison Allen, major. The regiment was mustered into the United States service July 21, 1861, and for a brief period encamped near Washington, after which it was assigned to the Third brigade, at first commanded by Colonel McCalmont, but afterward by General E.O.C. Ord. Its first actual fighting was at the battle of Drainesville, in December, 1861. In June, 1862, it was transferred to McClellan’s army operating against Richmond, and participated at Mechanicsville June 26th, Gaines’ Mills on the 27th and 30th, capturing on the latter date sixty prisoners. The loss in the series of battles which commenced at Mechanicsville was over two hundred. From the Peninsula the regiment passed to the army of General Pope, and participated at the second battle of Bull Run, at South Mountain and Antietam, and Fredericksburg. It shared in the memorable campaign that culminated at Gettysburg in July, 1863, and in the campaign against Richmond in 1864. On the 11th of June, 1864, the remnant of this brave and once strong body of men, which had fought in nearly every battle in which the Army of the Potomac was engaged, was mustered out of service at Pittsburgh.
Company C was recruited at Franklin. Nearly a thousand dollars were contributed for its equipment; the uniforms were of local manufacture, made by the ladies of the town from cloth obtained at the Kennerdell mills in Clinton township. The company was known as the "Venango Grays."
They left by keel-boat for Pittsburgh, June 6, 1861, arriving at Camp Wilkins Saturday, the 8th of that month. The following is a roster of the company:
Captains: C. Miller Over, Charles C. Cochran.
First Lieutenants: Charles W. Mackey, William M. Patton.
Sergeants: Samuel McKinzie, Jesse L. Pryor, Milton S. Singleton, John C. Kirkpatrick, Preston M. Hill, Lewis W. McQuaid, James L. McCullough, Walter B. Fogus, Noble F. Leslie, Gillis C. Keener, William C. McElwain, Elihu G. Neighbor, William Dougherty, George G. McLain, Thomas W. Agnew, George W. Peters, Samuel Moyer, James M. Covert.
Corporals: Robert D. Sutton, F.T. Alexander, James B. White, Benjamin P. Addleman, Myers Eckenberger, John M. Wimer, W.H. Kirkpatrick.
Musician, Emory A. Sadler.
Privates: Hiram Brown; Joseph M. Bowman, Lyman Brown, Freeling Brown, Christopher Cramer, Aaron T. Cross, Benjamin F. Camp, George Crispan, Robert Coulter, John H. Crawford, George W. Conver, Ephraim Dempsey, David Dorland, George Elliott, R.H. Fitzsimmons, Smith Fulkerson, William J. Grable, Andrew Griffin, James B. Galbraith, John Griffin, Frederick Heigle, William A. Horton, Thomas J. Jones, John Jourdon, Hiester Keilh, William Kreckle, Marcus Lockrout, Samuel Leslie, David Lovell, William Loose, Gilbert Morgan, George McCool, John S. May, Thomas M. McFadden, John H. McQuaid, Annis Moore, Alexander McCurdy, William McKinzie, Daniel B. McMillan, David P. Morrison, Samuel McChesney, George Meager, Robert B. Nellis, Isaiah Nellis, James Nickleson, James Oldridge, Thomas H. Pollock, William B. Powell, Thomas J. Ross, Joseph D. Ross, William Remley, Samuel B. Ross, Absalom Smith, Samuel Stewart, Anthony Showers, George S. Shattuck, George W. Scott, John Seibert, Daniel K. Sheffler, Alexander F. Sawhill, Alexander Sallinger, Samuel M. Skeel, James D. Shaw, Thomas H. Templeton, Ezekiel N. Tracy, Robert Taylor, William A. Varner, William P. White, John H. Wilhelm, William J. Welsh, Bradford Wilson, Henry J. Widle, Edward Wallace, William Winkleman, John Wilson, John Wolfkill, James S. Wonzer, John Walters, John Yingling. FIFTY-SEVENTH REGIMENT
57th Regiment
This regiment was principally recruited in the counties of Mercer, Crawford, and Venango. It was organized at Camp Curtin with the election of William Maxwell, of Mercer county, colonel; Elhannan W. Woods, of Mercer county, lieutenant colonel, and Jeremiah Culp, of Bradford county, major. It was subsequently commanded by Colonels Charles T. Campbell, Peter Sides, and George Zinn; Thomas S. Strohecker, who was promoted to a lieutenant colonelcy March 12, 1863, was the only field officer from this county. The regiment was ordered into line with the Army of the Potomac in February, 1862, and assigned to Jameson’s brigade of Heintzleman’s division. At the operations against Venangotown it was engaged in the trenches under conditions exceedingly deleterious to health, and in consequence of this and subsequent exposure it became necessary to discharge quite a number of the men on account of sickness. It was engaged at Fair Oaks May 31, 1862, at Charles City Cross Roads on the 30th of June, at Malvern Hill on the 1st of July, at the second battle of Bull Run on the 29th and 30th of August, at Chantilly on the 1st of September, and at Fredericksburg on the 13th of December. The principal engagements in which it participated in the following year were Chancellorsville and Gettysburg, sustaining severe losses on both occasions. In January, 1864, the regiment was dismissed on veteran furlough and after an absence of forty-nine days returned to camp. On the 4th of May it was engaged at close range with a detachment of the enemy near Chancellorsville, losing one hundred and forty-three men in killed, wounded, and missing. In January, 1865, having been greatly reduced in numbers, the Regiment was consolidated into a battalion of six companies, and later, by a union with the Eighty-Fourth, restored to its former strength. On the 25th of March it was engaged in the demonstrations about Fort Steadman which inaugurated the movement resulting in the capture of Petersburg. It was mustered out of service in June at Alexandria.
Company I was recruited in Venango and Mercer counties. The roster was as follows:
Captains: Thomas S. Strohecker, Lorenzo D. Bumpus, James D. Moore, John R. Ross.
First lieutenants: George Supplee, John Bowers, Thomas E. Merchant.
Second lieutenants: Jesse R. Williams, Edward S. Benedict, John F. Cox, Henry M. Adams, Cyrus P. Slaven, James M. Lewis.
Sergeants: George W. Lower, William C. Stewart, O.D. Waterman, William Curtis, Alfred Aurandt, Henry M. Snare, William Bone, Orsemus R. White, James W. Cummings, James L. Wykoff.
Corporals: Joseph Enders, Lartis Campbell, Jacob W. Miller, John C. Shinefelt, Amon Houck, James Colbert, Elijah Gorsuch, Samuel L. Hare, David A. Stewart, James A. Davis, Virgil Brigham, Elijah Estep, James Zahniser, L.N. Herring, C.G. Barker, A.C. Hanna, Levi McFadden,
Albert Reynolds.
Musician, Jeremiah Black.
Privates: James B. Armstrong, Jacob Ashton, Howard D. Avery, John Bradley, Anson M. Bidwell, K.H. Bassett, Edwin E. Brown, David Bell, Jacob Blake, Oscar A. Bailey, Oren D. Brigham, Eliphalet Bush, Peter Benner, William B. Brinner, William Barret, James J. Bruner, Demetrius Barnhart, George Cassell, J.J. Clevenger, John Charles, Wayne Campbell, Robert Collins, John C. Cathumas, Francis Chilson, Jacob Cramer, Thomas Dugan, Judson Davy, Frank Duanehaffer, John Drake, James Ellerson, Henry C. Estep, Joseph D. Everhart, Samuel Eddleman, David Estep, A. Eichman, James Evans, Henry Ford, Henry Felber, George A. Flannigan, James Gallagher, George Garner, Warner Hurley, Henry Heverly, Austin Hoban, Robert Hartley, John Herman, Isaac D. Harris, Henry Hale, William Hurley, William A. Houck, Samuel Hale, Isaac Hollenbaugh, Caleb Higbee, Michael Haggerty, William Ishman, William M. Johnson, John Kilgore, Hugh Kearnan, Levi Kessler, Daniel King, Richard Lanely, Samuel Lessick, James M. Lias, Frank Lewis, George R. Mountain, William A. Maxwell, Charles Monroe, Simeon Middeaugh, James Miller, Levi Metzker, Andrew J. Mosher Jacob S. Miller, Andrew J. Marks, C. Muxum, Henry McLaughlin, Samuel McDonald, Julius C. McGonnigle, Edwin North, Adam Nash, Samuel Nunamaker, William Newhouse, Daniel Oberly, Levi Ostrander, George W. Parks, George Patton, James Rue, Charles W. Richards, Henry Smith, Henry Schwab, William Scott, Henry Snyder, Jacob Shaffer, Bradley Sherwood, John Taylor, Joseph Tetweiler, John E. Ullery, Loomis Vargason, Jesse D. Vargason, Julius Veit, David S. Walters, Moses Wood, David H. Weaver, John C. Wilson, E. Wayland, August Wagoner, Thomas C. Wykoff, Henry B. Wood, William Wanrick, James A. Yingling. SIXTY-THIRD REGIMENT.
63rd Regiment
The Sixty-Third was recruited in Allegheny county and the valley of the Allegheny river, with one company from Beaver, and a comparatively small number of men from Venango. The field officers were Alexander Hays, a native of this county, colonel; A.S.M. Morgan, lieutenant colonel, and Maurice Wallace, major, at the time of its organization, in 1861. It was assigned to the Third brigade of Heintzelman’s division, and did gallant service at Fair Oaks, Charles City Cross Roads, Malvern Hill, the second battle of Bull Run, and Chantilly; General Kearny having been killed in the latter engagement the division was ordered to the defenses of Washington, but after the battle of Antietam rejoined the army and participated at Fredericksburg. The regiment also took part in the Chancellorsville and Gettysburg campaigns, and in the movements of 1864 in Virginia.
Company G, recruited in Allegheny, Venango, and Armstrong counties, was composed as follows:
Captains: Charles W. McHenry, Isaac Moorhead.
First lieutenants: S. Hays Cochran, James S. Williams.
Second lieutenants: Robert Houston, William R. Nicholson.
Sergeants: Aaron W. Gilmore, John Cessna, John M. Thomas, John C. Brookbank, William B. Peiffer, Robert W. Martin.
Corporals: John Pickel, James N. Coulter, George A. Cook, William M. Smith, Alfred B. Lupher, Frank H. Johnston, Edward Wacksmith, Milton J. Adams, Benjamin H. Smith, Matthew A. Rankin, Simon Steffy, William J. Graham, Thomas Q. Martin.
Musicians:. John Hassinger, Philip Hassinger.
Privates: Wales D. Ashton, Peter Armberger, Robert M. Brown, George Blystone, William Blystone, John Bleakney, Samuel D. Barnett, Peter Boyer, Simon Blystone, C.G. Cooper, Jesse Cole, John R. Cox, W.L. Calhoun, William Cooper, David W. Coursin, Robert H. Daily, Robert Davidson, Asa O. Douglass, James D. Douglass, Samuel C. Dewoody, Christian Deim, Joseph H. Fulton, Robert A. Fulton, Henry Frailey, John A. Frailey, Charles France, William Frailey, Thomas Frue, Curtis C. Griffin, Daniel M. Gardner, Joseph Gardner, W.F. Green, James Gates, David R. George, Jacob Gardner, Henry R. Gress, W.C. Hoover, John Henderson, Andrew Henderson, Josiah M. Hays, Cornelius Hoffman, B.W. Hull, Ralston Hoover, Samuel S. Hays, John F. Jones, Samuel Jack, Wilder Jackson, James Johnston, John Kelly, Henry Klugh, William R. Keppel, Sylois Leasure, James Lindsay, Robert C. Law, David C. Martin, Charles Moore, George W. Martin, Samuel Mulberger, Samuel G. Moorehead, James Markle, Thomas L. Martin, David K. Mitchell, Cyrus J. Moore, Andrew J. Moore, Jacob Miller, James S. Myers, William Magee, John T. McCoy, Robert B. McCoy, Hugh McConnell, Clark Near, Philip O’Sullivan, Ithamar Porter, Noah W. Porter, Joseph P. Rankin, John A. Robinson, Robert Rogers, Isaac L. Rearick, John Ritchey, Lobin Russell, Samuel A. Rhodes, Joseph Rudler, Alexander Rupert, William H.H. Sloan, Edson E. Shepherd, Jacob Saddler, John A. Sell, William C. Smith, George Schick, Harrison C. Stoph, M. Schemerhorn, Wilson M. Stills, John Salada, John St. Clair, Adam F. Smith, Thomas Smith, John Silliberg, David F. Sheets, Simon Shall, David Shiery, Andrew J. Smeltzer, John Sitts, Samuel Sharp, George W. Taylor, William Thomas, David J. Thomas, Hampton Thompson, Solomon Vensel, A.A.G. Wilhelm, George Wolfkill, W.S. Whitman, Charles D. Warner, A.W. Wilhelm. SIXTY-FOURTH REGIMENT— FOURTH CAVALRY.
64th Regiment
Venango county had a larger representation in this regiment than in any other. There was one company from Northampton county, three from Allegheny, two from Westmoreland and Indiana, four from Venango, one from Lebanon, and one from Luzerne, which rendezvoused at Camp Curtin, but were soon afterward transferred to Washington, where they were mustered into service and organized into three battalions under the following field officers: David Campbell, of Pittsburgh, colonel; James H. Childs, of Pittsburgh, lieutenant colonel; James K. Kerr, of Venango, first major; William E. Doster, of Northampton, second major; James H. Trimble, of Westmoreland, third major. Upon the resignation of Colonel Campbell, in March, 1862, Lieutenant Colonel Childs was promoted to succeed him; Major Kerr was promoted to the lieutenant colonelcy and Captain George H. Covode to a majority. In the following May the regiment was assigned to McCall’s division, Pennsylvania Reserves. In June a battalion under Lieutenant Colonel Kerr was ordered to Venangotown, where it remained during the Peninsula campaign. On the 26th of June a squadron led by Captain Herron, while scouting beyond the lines, met the Confederate advance and fired the first shot on the Union side in the ensuing Seven Days’ battles, in which, however, the regiment was not conspicuously engaged. From Harrison’s Landing it marched to Venangotown, and thence to Washington, and rejoined McClellan’s army in the movement into Maryland, having been assigned to General Averell’s brigade. Owing to the illness of the latter the command devolved upon Colonel Childs, and Lieutenant Colonel Kerr led the regiment. At the battle of Antietam Colonel Childs was killed, resulting in the promotion of Lieutenant Colonel Kerr to the colonelcy. In the autumn of 1862 the regiment was stationed near Hancock, Maryland; it was with Pleasanton in his pursuit of Stuart, and during the battle of Fredericksburg was stationed on the north side of the Rappahannock. In the movement upon Chancellorsville, in the Gettysburg campaign, and particularly in the pursuit of Lee’s retreating army, the Fourth was actively engaged. On the 12th of October, 1863, the regiment, already reduced to three hundred and seventy-five men, sustained a loss of two hundred. When the time for veteran re-enlistment arrived more than two-thirds of the men enrolled for a second term. During the Wilderness campaign the cavalry frequently dismounted to form skirmish line. The Fourth accompanied Sheridan in his raid upon Richmond, and in his second raid, of which the objective point was Lynchburg. It was in a number of skirmishes during the summer and autumn of 1864, the most important being the second advance upon the Weldon railroad. After Lee’s surrender it was assigned to permanent duty at Lynchburg, where it was mustered out of service on the 1st of July, 1865.
Four companies of this regiment were from this county. They mustered at Franklin, October 14, 1861, and left at six P.M. for Pittsburgh by the steamboat Venango, arriving at that place at half-past two the following day. On the next day, at four A.M., they started for Harrisburg; at Camp Curtin they were uniformed, and thence proceeded to Washington. The rosters of the respective companies were as follows:
Company H.— Captains: James H. Pennell, Robert J. Phipps, George W. Wilson.
First lieutenants: A.A. Plumer, John R. Dodge, Thomas J. Robinson, Josiah J. Watkins, Adelbert M. Beatty.
Second lieutenants: Abraham Edwards, James M. Gayetty, David P. Lamb.
Sergeants: Albert Benedict, Jacob Lyons, Andrew Brown, James R. Downing, James Wilkins, James McFadden, Reese Clark, James Galbraith, John Crain, Alexander G. Wilkins, Charles Albaugh.
Corporals: David Ray, William H. Gayetty, John R. Stover, Alfred L. Comb, H.F. Bowman, Joseph G. Hall, Charles W. McElray, John Jackson, Samuel Hatch, Russell Lincoln, Wilson Cathcart, Ethan Stone.
Buglers: Edgar Nyle, Daniel Hurstine.
Blacksmith, Lewis Mitchell.
Farrier, A. Bumgardner.
Privates: John A. Adams, Samuel S. Adams, John Anderson, Joseph Bates, William F. Brown, John J. Black, Smith Byers, Andrew H. Bush, John Brown, Joseph Breing, Francis Bull, George N. Crodle, Hiram Conner, Matthew B. Conner, John Q.A. Conner, Hiram A. Conner, David Coleman, William Calaghan, Henry Carner, Adam Crider, James Collar, Asa M. Clark, Robert P. Clark, Parcus Copeland, Charles Castle, Daniel Dunmire, William Davis, George Davis, John E. Davis, John M. Dunn, Zenis N. Durrin, John S. Dick, Josiah Duffield, William Duffriel, George Dewoody, Asa Eastman, C.H. Fahnestock, W.M. Graham, George W. Gates, James Gormly, Samuel M. Gardner, Thomas S. Gibson, John F. Grace, Caleb Gray, Freeman D. Grace, Jackson P. Huey, William G. Hall, Patrick Hughes, John Harris, Joseph Hibbs, Cristopher Hyser, A.H. Hunsinger, Samuel Hewett, Robert W.N. Henry, Reese E. Harris, Hiram J. Hamilton, William A. Johnson, George W. Lindly, David L. Miller, Cyrus Michael, Charles Miller, Thomas H. Megogany, Hiram Milford, Amos H. Monroe, Isaac Maloney, John F. Meader, John McGinley, Milton M. McCully, John McCallister, John McMillan, P.H. McArdle, Jacob Piser, Walter C. Parker, James A. Powell, Sylvester Parker, Richard Quinlin, John W. Riddle, Horatio Randall, Anthony Robertson, Charles H. Ruff, George H. Ridgely, Frank Stephens, Alexander Scott, John J. Snodgrass, N.N. Stevenson, Harvey V. Stoops, George H. Smith, Andrew Sanford, Charles S. Sanford, Thomas Stevenson, George Thropp, Charles Tripp, John Upton, Wesley H. Varner, John Williams, Alexander Williams, John Winters, Andrew Whisner, John Whiteel, Peter Woodley, James Wood, James Walshaw.
Company I.— Captains: Charles E. Taylor, Robert L. Coltart, Francis M. Ervay, Andrew Nellis.
First lieutenants: Milo A. Plumer, Robert Coltart.
Second lieutenants: Alexander Frazier, Joshua C. Bealle, Albert J. Servey, William H. Cowan.
Sergeants: Paul Neely, John B. Hogue, William H. Thompson, Daniel W. Servey, Henry Bender, Robert King, Isaac Burris, William S. Keller, John T. Ewens, Cyrus S. Mark, Daniel E. Wise.
Corporals: Parker Lupher, Harvey W. Jones, James Callen, James M. Bethune, Homer C. Brown, William Strite, J. Keas, Lewis McFadden.
Bugler, Robert P. Shaw.
Blacksmith, Artemus Kinnear.
Farrier, William B. Keener.
Privates: William Amon, Loyal Adams, Joseph A. Alter, Jacob Aly, Cortlandt Brown, Crawford Belig, Jacob H. Bethune, Richard Barkly, Daniel J. Brown, William C. Bryant, Joseph Bronnette, Terence C. Byers, Lewis Byrns, John Bethune, George Baney, Isaac Baney, George Bromley, George Culber, William Criswell, Thomas Colburn, Benjamin F. Crain, John Clark, Ephraim F. Cisco, James Carnahan, Silas Davis, William H. Dill, James R. Davidson, Joseph E. Davis, Benjamin Dougherty, William H. Durning, Daniel Eagan, Thomas M. Elder, Henry Freeby, John E. Freeman, William S. Fleming, John Flager, Samuel R. Foulk, George Ghearing, Lewis Gross, Ira B. Gilmore, Willabed Gneedig, Isaac Gormly, George W. Gates, Jacob Grinnells, James Hoover, Horace Haller, Thomas B. Hoffman, Thomas L. Hays, Marvin S. Hasson, Robert Hilands, George B. Haines, William Harrison, Wiley H. Hunter, Levi E. Hart, Melvin A.
Johnson, Milton James, William T. Johnson, Jeremiah C. Jennings, Samuel James, Alexander James, Andrew P. Jones, Peter D. Kelly, George Kinnear, Charles Kelly, Truman J. King, Robert Kirtley, James F. Lamberton, Gilbert Lupher, Barnett Lupher, James Legg, Paul Messner, William Miller, Daniel Miller, Daniel Murray, James Marshall, William Mooney, Lewis Miles, John L. McCalmont, Robert G. McClelland, Marcus McCurdy, James McMillen, William McCutcheon, Jacob Nellis, James Posey, Richard Place, John W. Porterfield, John W. Patterson, William Reagle, John Reagle, John Roberts, Josiah Randal, Thomas J. Robertson, Albert Reagle, William J. Reynolds, Rufus P. Seely, Alfred M. Shaw, Josiah Scott, Thomas O. Scott, Charles J. Smith, Michael Smith, Jerry B. Smith, Frank Showalter, Israel Stroup, Edward Stroup, Jacob Smith, Mark Smale, Porter Thompson, Miller M. Thomas, William Thomas, Isaac Taylor, W.D. Taylor, William Thompson, John Vorans, Samuel Wallace, John Werrell, Andrew P. Watt, Thomas T. Watt, Francis M. Wilson, George Yeates.
Company K.— Captains: William W. Shorts, Henry M. Hughes, James R. Grant.
First lieutenant, George W. Wise.
Second lieutenants: Robert J. Atwell, John A. Welton.
Sergeants: Joseph W. Russell, William C. Bigler, Solomon Funk, James McGarvey, Richard M. Hoffman, John W. Baker, Samuel B. Foster, James F. Billingsley, Levi Porter, James E. McClaskey, S.M. Lockard, Freeland Henderson.
Corporals: David R.P. Gates, John H. McKelvey, William D. Downing, Jacob Harlan, William C. Eakin, John T. Couse, Wesley B. Foster, Daniel Krister, William C. Yard, Donaldson Graham, John F. Brown, Charles A. Tibbins, Hezekiah Baker, Nathaniel S. Boals.
Bugler, Warren M. Lockard.
Blacksmith, Robert Shaw.
Farrier, Thomas Davis.
Saddlers, John A. Goucher, Daniel Shuler.
Privates: Perry S. Atwell, Joseph Bleakley, William Bleakley, James Bleakley, Frederick S. Boals, Martin Bigler, Oliver P. Barnes, James T. Burr, Alva W. Bigley, Alonzo S. Baker, James I. Burns, William Cramer, W.W. Crawford, John M. Cornelius, Gotleib Coonradt, Thomas L. Curry, Walter Cassidy, Craft Coast, Eri Cary, Andrew J. Donaldson, Thomas Duffey, John R. Dodds, Thomas Dewoody, Reese Evans, Martin B. Foster, Ross C. Foster, Irwin C. Fether, William J. Graham, Brice Gilmore, Henry Highfield, Wesley Highfield, William J. Hickman, Caleb G. Hovis, G.W. Hovis, R.M. Hovis, Jacob Henderson, William Hackett, Charles Huberman, John Highfield, Emanuel Harman, Henry Harlem, H.A. Harman, James Irwin, David E. Irwin, Albert M. Jones, William H. Jeffries, J.B.W. Johnson, B.W. James, John L. Jackson, George W. Koonce, George W. Kim, Isaac Latchaw, David Latchaw, Sidney Lambert, James Little, Robert Lytle, T.I. Montgomery, J.H. Monjar, D. Montgomery, Harrison Moyer, Alexander Martin, Thomas Michael, Frederick Moyer, Jonathan McKain, John C. McCamant, Perry McFadden, Charles McFadden, John A. McCoy, William McKelvey, Sullivan K. McKain, D.A. McWilliams, John P. Nogler, Peter Nogler, John Ogelsby, Samuel R. Osborn, John L. Perry, Andrew J. Phipps, Harrison Pope, Wellington W. Pope, George C. Richards, Thomas Rock, Samuel R. Russell, David H. Rysor, Washington Richards, Patterson Sankey, Absalom Shuler, Benjamin Stover, Robert Shorts, John G. Sutton, William C. Sutton, Abram W. Shorts, M. Strawhacker, Jesse Sarver, Robert S. Sarver, John P. Say, Wilson Swetzer, Jackson Shipps, Alexander Thompson, James Thompson, Lafayette B. Varner, David H. Varner, John Varner, Richard M. Walter, John S. Wilson, Clark White, Samuel R. Weston, Eli Williams, Alexander Witherup, John Witherup, David A. Witherup, Thomas Witherup, Henry H. Wilson, Sharpless C. Wise, John B. Woodling, Albert V. Weed, Peter Walters, Israel S. Yard.
Company L.— Captains: Alender S. Duncan, William B. Mays, John P. Barr.
First lieutenant, Henry S. Bickel.
Second lieutenants: John B. Maitland, George W. Wilson, Abner J. Pryer.
Sergeants: Henry H. Lusher, Andrew J. Sollinger, James D. Troutner, John Donaldson, Jonathan S. Roberts, Sylvester Brandon, Samuel F. Karns, William G. Sheppard, John B. Snyder, Sylvester Porter, John Hughes, Augustus F. Loles.
Corporals: Charles E. Nugent, Francis W. Bowen, Peter J. Richey, Richard Conway, George H. Porter, Robert B. Crawford, Harvey Christy, Andrew J. Davis, Jonathan Gloss, John Huston, William A. Seaton, Earl B. French, Samuel N. King, James G. Hamilton, John M. Hilbert, Solomon C. Heckathorn, Alpheus Mays.
Buglers: Thomas J. Henderson, William J. Gibbons.
Blacksmiths: Daniel Sullinger, Dominick Scott.
Farriers: Andrew J. Turk, Jackson Hanly.
Privates: Joseph A. Alters, John W. Anderson, Stephen Burgwin, Edward Burgwin, Thomas Brandon, James Bryer, Bernard Burns, Isaac Bears, Samuel Bickel, William G. Bishop, Daniel J. Brown, Frank W. Beatie, Charles H. Bates, Thomas Burns, Robert Cain, Albertus Coons, William J. Calighan, George W. Carney, Thomas M. Christy, Clinton Callingwood, Charles Coop, Peter O. Conver, Andrew J. Carner, Eli Carner, Thomas L. Curry, Alexander Curtis, William Campbell, David W. Davidson, Andrew H. Downing, Thomas Davis, John Drach, William H. Dill, Jacob Eckelbarger, James Estes, Liberty Estes, John Eckelbarger, James H. Fulton, Franklin Flowers, Daniel Ferdan, Anthony Frankhauser, Robert Fowler, Barney Fogle, M.M. Freeborn, John B. Gailey, Cyrus Gardner, John W. Gilger, Garrett Griffin, James Gates, David Howell, Simon P. Hughs, John Hagan, Frederick Hoover, James Hyndman, Samuel E. Holdridge, R.A. Hutchinson, Allen S. Jolly, James Jones, John Johnson, John Kellerman, John Kerr, Charles S. King, Michael Kelly, J.H. Louderbough, Jacob G. Lusher, John P. Maitland, George W. Moore, Philander Mays, John Montgomery, John S. Mossman, John Miller, Thomas Morgan, William Manson, Larimer Mays, Williams H. Moore, James Myers, John McCormick, James McMillen, John McTiernan, Thomas McKain, John McKelvey, Joseph McMullen, Marcus McCurdy, Andrew McMillen, George W. McCoy, Henry Neely, William Nowlder, Henry Ochs, John Oldham, Samuel Payne, Samuel W. Pryer, John F. Pryer, William C. Pryer, Thomas A. Parker, John W. Pryer, Robert R. Pike, Octavius A. Russell, John P. Rollins, John W. Roberts, Joseph Roberts, Edward Rice, John W. Reno, John T. Ritter, William Ruhe, Patrick Ryan, Samuel C. Reynolds, John Roberts, William C. Sullinger, James C. Sullinger, Adam Stroup, Michael Sowers, Eliel C. Spencer, John M. Snyder, Jacob Steinbright, John Snyder, John S. Smith, John Stump, Jacob Sipe, Edward Stroup, George Sheffer, Israel A. Straub, John Seibert, George Tenant, Abraham S. Taylor, James Thorp, Joseph Vosler, Jeremiah D. Wentworth, Samuel R. Walker, P. Zimmerman, F. Zimmerman. SIXTY-FIFTH REGIMENT— FIFTH CAVALRY.
65th Regiment
The Fifth Cavalry was at first known as the Cameron Dragoons and was among the first of the three-years’ regiments raised. There were ten companies from Philadelphia and two from the western part of the state, one of which was partially recruited in Venango county. The following were the field officers: Colonel, Max Friedman; lieutenant colonel, Philip Becker; majors: J.L. Moss, Stephen E. Smith, and E.M. Boteler. During the year 1862 the Fifth was principally engaged in scouting in the rear of the army during the Peninsula campaign, and on the north side of Venango river. In January, 1863, it was transported from Venangotown to West Point and marched in the direction of Indiantown, intercepting and capturing a valuable baggage train of the enemy. After a comparatively quiet summer, during which a large number of the men were in hospitals, a battalion composed of five companies was sent to the Dismal swamp region in September, part of which advanced into North Carolina. In 1864 the regiment participated in the raid upon the Weldon and Richmond and Danville railroads; in the summer, having joined General Butler’s forces, it was engaged in an assault upon the defenses of Petersburg, and after the union of the cavalry divisions of Generals Kautz and Wilson, started upon what is familiarly known as Wilson’s raid, sustaining a loss of three hundred men, half its effective force, in an engagement with General Longstreet on the 28th of July. A similar depletion in its ranks occurred on the 7th of October when the division, led by General Kautz, was engaged with a greatly superior force under Longstreet and Pickett. On the 10th of December Longstreet’s corps was again the aggressor at Charles City Road, and was repulsed with loss. The regiment continued on picket duty at that place until March 25, 1865; it took part in the maneuvers immediately prior to Lee’s surrender and was finally mustered out, three hundred and thirty-one officers and men, on the 19th of May, and the remainder on the 7th of August.
Company M, composed of the following officers and privates, was recruited in Venango and Allegheny counties:
Captains: Anderson Faith, John P. Wenzel, G.S.L. Ward.
First lieutenants: George J. Kerr, Thomas Little, Frank C. Grugan.
Second lieutenants: Walter H. Fitten, Wilson E. Davis, Calvin D. Ludwig.
Sergeants: William McGinnis, William Bothwell, Edward Bailey, James Bennett, James B. Jennings, Hugh McClory, Patrick Ford, Robert Russell, Patrick Carlin, John L. Burrows, William Mendenhall, Martin Maher, Joseph McClellan, Uriah Patterson, William J. Andre, Silas C. Hough.
Corporals: George Latch, Francis McCaffrey, Joseph Devlin, David Phillips, Charles Denight, Joseph Martin, John O’Neill, David W. Parker, John Fisher, Herman Hagemiller, Henry Bohder, Henry Steltz, Edward Hoffman, George Levis, John Winkleman, F. Holdenwrenter, George M. Koons, R.H. Anderson.
Bugler, Harvey M. Reno.
Artificer, Cyrus E. Beagle.
Blacksmith, Dennis Dorris.
Farrier, James Hickey.
Privates: Leonard C. Adams, Josiah Abbott, Stephen C. Albright, Jeremiah Albert, Joseph Arker, Hiram Abbott, Samuel Albert, Thomas Bailey, John Barnes, John W. Baker, Daniel W. Bohanan, Frederick Bush, Thomas Broomall, John A. Boyd, David H. Bronson, George H. Bartle, Jacob Bickle, Zephaniah Benz, Ferdinand Benz, Milton Brame, Adam Brinker, Joseph Bowers, Edward Brady, Dennis Boyce, James M. Brady, Charles Beeser, William Berlin, Christian L. Beck, Alexander Cameron, William H. Coates, George C. Croffutt, Peter F. Campbell, Joseph Coughlin, Daniel Culver, John Connor, James Curry, George Clift, Samuel Caldwell, Morris Collins, Edward Coyle, Patrick Cassiday, Henry Crist, James J. Cooper, John Day, James Doody, Alexander Dailey, William Davis, John Donahue, Joshua Davis, Joseph Donovan, Albert Denver, George M. Dever, Andrew Davidson, Daniel Dull, Charles W. Dreibelbis, Matthew Dolan, Henry M. Ellis, Henry J. Eckenrod, John Evans, Charles Egenchyller, William Fessler, Samuel H. Fenton, John Funk, Alexander Flynn, David S. Foreman, Harrison Fiedler, August Fraca, Patrick Gorman, Michael Gainer, Miles Gross, John Gallagher, William Green, George Harrison, Louis Hendervine, William Hook, David C. Henk, John D. Hetsler, Morris Helmes, Michael Hunt, Lewis Howard, William Hoffman, George W. Hemphill, George Hunter, H. Humelbaugh, John Johnson, Edwin Johnston, Samuel Kennedy, Stephen Kearney, James F. Keating, William Kirkwood, Gottlieb Kafer, John Knapler, John Keblinger, Rudolph Kelker, John Lehry, William Leyrer, Samuel Levy, Francis S. Long, Alexander Lutz, Charles Leip, Samuel Lever, Frederick Lenegan, James S. Moore, Henry M. Money, John Monaghan, William Magee, Thomas C. Mason, Archibald Murphy, John Martin, John Morehead, Jonas Mull, Matthew Manees, Adam Miller, John Marks, William Moore, William Marker, Henry Magee, Andrew C. Mott, Bartholomew Maier, Andrew McGinnis, Patrick McHugh, James McAvoy, John McNeill, Philip McCue, Michael McKenna, Peter McGue, Alexander McGhee, John B. Mc Cormick, Bernard McBride, Philip M. Norbeck, F. Nonnamaker, Charles Newkirk, William Openshaw, John Orr, Dennis O’Donnel, James A. Price, Richard Peel, Samuel Pinkerton, John Porter, James R. Porterfield, Michael Quinn, Larissa Romeo, George Reed, S.J. Reno, Josiah Rudderow, John S. Reichard, Andrew Reid, Robert Rankin, James Ross, George Reicht, James M. Shoop, William H. Suffern, Albert R. Sipe, Joseph Salm, Charles Sterling, John Smith, James Skiffington, William Showalter, Charles Seip, Henry Stork, Owen Smith, Isaac Shaffer, Francis M. Showers, Henry Seip, A.H. Sullinger, James W. Showers, Thomas Shinkle, W.J. Stewart, Charles W. Shaner, J.S. Showalter, Lawrence Stafford, James B. Sample, William Shaffer, Charles Shaffer, Washington Shaffer, Richard Schultz, William Shirk, George Thompson, Thomas Tobin, William Tomlinson, Robert Taylor, Amandus Voight, Andrew Weidle, David H. Williams, Charles Weiss, James Williams, George Wood, Joseph Wunder, Charles G. Woodruff, Frank White, David Whitmoyer, John White, Robert Wilson, John Weaver, Charles Wallace, Charles Wolston, James Walker, Amos Walker, Frederick Wetteran, Joseph Zeigler. ONE HUNDRED AND THIRD REGIMENT.
103rd Regiment
This regiment was recruited in the western part of the state, and organized at Harrisburg by the choice of the following officers: Theodore F. Lehmann, colonel; Wilson C. Maxwell, lieutenant colonel; Audley W. Gazzam, major. Its first military service occurred in the month of April, 1862, at the siege of Venangotown. At the battle of Fair Oaks its loss was eighty-four killed and wounded; it was not engaged to any extent in the Seven Days’ battles, but at the close of the Peninsula campaign had lost, by casualties and sickness, nearly half its original strength. It was separated from the Army of the Potomac at that time and transported to Norfolk, whence, in December, it proceeded to Newbern, North Carolina, and joined General Foster’s expedition into the interior. At its conclusion the regiment went into barracks on the Neuse river, and for a brief period enjoyed the pleasant features of military life, the prelude, unfortunately, of the worst horrors of war. Wessells’ brigade, to which the One Hundred and Third was attached, was ordered to Plymouth, at which place General Wessells established his headquarters as commander of the district of the Albemarle. Fortifications were erected, but almost before their completion the place was invested by a force of fifteen thousand men under General Hoke, while the ram Albemarle wrought havoc among the Union shipping. On the 20th of April, 1864, the Union forces surrendered. This regiment numbered at the time about four hundred, rank and file; the wounded were left at Plymouth in charge of the enemy; the officers were sent to Macon, Georgia, and the privates to Andersonville, where one hundred and thirty-two died while in confinement. One company had been on Roanoke island at the time of the surrender, which, with a few men who were absent at the time, was still known as the One Hundred and Third regiment. The command was finally mustered out of service at Newbern June 25, 1865, but eighty-one of the original men being then present.
Company B was recruited in Armstrong, Butler, Clarion, and Venango counties. The roster was as follows:
Captains: George W. Gillespie, Joseph Rodgers, Daniel L. Coe.
First lieutenant, Solomon Barnhart.
Second lieutenant, George W. Stoke.
Sergeants: William T. Bair, Thomas Hart, C.M. Rumbaugh, Daniel L. Rankin, S.M. Criswell, Cyrus K. McKee, Robert M. Crawford.
Corporals: George Waterson, Isaac Shakely, John S. McElhaney, Samuel J. Gibson, Isaac Schwartzlander, James H. Crawford, James M. Carson, William Harrison, Thomas Hayes.
Musicians: Andrew Rogers, Harrison W. Coe.
Privates: Abram Adams, Augustus Abel, Robert Barr, James Brenneman, Henry L. Benninger, John B. Bish, Reuben Burford, Matthias C. Beamer, Owen Boyle, L.A. Brenneman, Isaac Barnhart, William Burford, Alfred Campbell, John A. Crawford, Benjamin F. Coe, Alexander Craig, James Cumberland, Joshua A. Campbell, James T. Day, David Dovenspeck, Thomas J. Devenny, Alexander Dunlap, Barney Deany, John P. Erwin, Michael C. Eminger, Lorenzo W. Frantz, John Foster, Gideon W. Gibson, Samuel Granville, John A. Gibson, Stewart Gilchrist, Hezekiah Hayes, Peter Hilliard, Jackson Hilliard, Robert Harper, Ephraim Hankey, John B. Hankey, Robert Hayes, Simon Hile, John M. Hayes, John L. Hile, David W. Jordan, Alexander C. Jackson, John M. Jones, Andrew Judson, William Kennedy, Richard Kelley, William D. Keefer, Aaron Lang, H. Montgomery, Matthew J. McCay, Joseph McCay, Harvey B. McClure, Thomas L. McClure, Robert McCleary, Wesley McCool, Joseph Neuton, Conrad Petzinger, William Penburthy, Orrin Payne, William G. Pierce, Samuel Pool, Joseph Rumbaugh, James Rankin, Nehemiah Reeser, Benjamin Rankin, William Reese, Jacob Reese, Alexander Regus, Henry Regus, Hamilton Robb, James Ritchey, David Ross, S.G. Rosansteel, John Sweet, John Sowers, Joseph Sowers, Uriah Sloan, Abram Snyder, Albert W. Smith, Abram W. Smith, George W. Shakely, James Sweet, Henry C. Shakely, Nicholas Snow, S.S. Sanderson, Matthew Sherlock, Daniel K. Shakely, James Shields, Presley Sloan, William Sowers, John Scharem, Charles M. Truby, Michael White, William D. Woodruff, David Walley, James Wolft, Peter Williams. ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTH REGIMENT.
105th Regiment
The field officers of this regiment chosen at its organization were Amor A. McKnight, colonel; W.W. Corbett, lieutenant colonel; M.M. Dick, major. It was on fatigue and picket duty at the siege of Venangotown and throughout the Peninsula campaign, and so frequently and severely engaged and suffered so much from sickness that upon its arrival at Harrison’s Landing it scarcely numbered one hundred, rank and file. At the close of Pope’s campaign, in which it received special commendatory mention from General Kearny in his report of the battle of Bull Run, the division to which it was attached was ordered into the defenses of Washington, where it remained until after the battle of Antietam. It suffered some loss at Fredericksburg; at Chancellorsville out of twenty-seven officers and three hundred and twenty men who went into action, seventy-seven were killed, wounded or missing; the similar aggregate at the battle of Gettysburg was one hundred and sixty-eight, and at the Wilderness in May, 1864, one hundred and seventy. In the summer and autumn of that year it participated in the operations against Petersburg and in the raid upon the Weldon railroad, continuing in active service during the spring of 1865. It marched in the grand review at Washington on the 23rd of June and was mustered out on the 11th of July.
Company F was recruited in Clearfield, Indiana, and Venango counties. The roster was as follows:
Captains: Robert Kirk, John Daugherty, William Kimple.
First lieutenants: James B. Geggie, Henry P. McKillip.
Second lieutenants: David Ratcliff, Ezra B. Baird, Ogg Niel.
Sergeants: William T. Stewart, Jacob L. Smith, Lewis Findley, William W. Hazlett, John M. Brewer, Samuel H. Pound, Robert Doty, John W. Smith, Samuel Harrison, John Hendricks, Elijah Pantall, Jonathan Brindle.
Corporals: Luke Loomis, Jr., Andrew Douglass, Joshua Pearce, Joseph Taylor, William H. Hazlett, John N. Means, Charles B. Gill, John W. Lynn, Lewis D. Ensinger, Ira F. Mott, George R. Hall, George W. McFadden, Thomas Niel, Irwin R. Nicodemus, James Randolph, George W. Randolph, John N. Vanhorn, Peter Wheelan, George W. Campbell.
Privates: William H.H. Anthony, Jonathan Ayres, James D. Anthony, Thomas S. Anderson, James Aul, William W. Brillhart, John W. Bryant, John H. Bush, Jacob L. Bee, John W. Brooks, Charles Berry, James Buher, James Crock, James Crawford, John Carr, Samuel Cochran, John Cupler, William A. Chambers, Perry C. Cupler, Michael Dolan, William W. Dixon, Peter Depp, Henry H. Depp, Peter Dalton, Thomas Dailey, Patrick Delany, Philip B. Depp, John P. Drum, James Dunn, Jonathan Doty, Samuel Edwards, Chauncey A. Ellis, John M. Fleming, Albert Foltz, William Fitzgerald, Samuel Fry, John F. Fulmer, Samuel D. Fulmer, Stephen Gleeson, George Gossor, James Gallagher, Joseph Graham, Anthony A. Gallagher, Thomas S. Guiles, Henry A.L. Girts, Jonathan Himes, William S. Hendricks, Isaac Hendricks, Joseph Hill, Alonzo Hemstreat, George W. Hoover, Benjamin B. Hall, John Hare, James Hopkins, Thomas Hombs, H.H. Hollowell, Simon D. Hugus, John C. Hollowell, Thomas M. Hauck, Edward Hogan, George W. Hollowell, Samuel Hannah, George K. Hoover, John D. Jewell, Jackson Jones, Daniel Johnson, James A. Johnston, Robert J. Jewett, James Jenkins, Amos S. Knauer, Harrison Kelty, Charles Kleffer, John Kelly, John Kelly, Jacob Kurtz, Thomas Kennan, Robert S. Laughry, Levi S. Lust, Nicholas Lutcher, Charles Lyle, John Myer, Edward Mingus, George R. Moyer, Garret P. Mattis, Peter Morgan, William Mann, Scott Mitchell, William C. Martin, George W. Maynard, George Moore, John Miller, James A. Minish, James McCarty, Robert McMannes, Michael McDonnell, Thomas McFadden, John McKean, Samuel A. McGhee, William T. Niel, Thomas Orr, William O’Brian, Matthew O’Donnell, Charles W. O’Niel, James O’Brien, Thomas O’Brickle, Charles Parry, David R. Porter, James R. Pounds, Jackson Piper, Adam Ritz, Enos Ratzel, Amos Redky, Jacob Reel, John Riley, Peter Rourke, Irwin Robinson, James W. Shafer, Isaac Smith, George Shields, John Schmidt, Asher A. Sellers, John Service, David Simpson, Charles Smouse, David L. Simpson, Samuel Stevenson, Lewis Stern, James S. Smith, David Sullivan, Andrew J. Smith, Henry Shaffer, Peter C. Spencer, John Stewart, David C. Simpson, Daniel Tallman, Sterling M. Thomas, Peter Vanoligan, John Vorece, Samuel W. Walker, Isaac Wray, Newton Wilson, Moses White, Conrad Wolf, Henry Wimmer, John Williams, William H. Wilson, Albert C. Wheeler, David Willard, John P. Williamson, Joseph White, Ferdinand Wagner, David K. Williams, George W. Young. ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-FIRST REGIMENT.
121st Regiment
The regimental organization of the One Hundred and Twenty-First was effected at the camp of rendezvous near Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, with the following field officers: Colonel, Chapman Biddle of Philadelphia; lieutenant colonel, Elisha W. Davis of Venango county; major, Alexander Biddle of Philadelphia. This was in September, 1862; in the following month the regiment joined General Meade’s division, which moved southward through Virginia, but had no experience in fighting until it entered upon the Fredericksburg campaign, with the exception of slight skirmishing. The loss, chiefly sustained in the action at Fredericksburg, was one hundred and eighty, and at its close the regiment went into winter quarters at Belle Plain. The spring of 1863 opened with the march to Chancellorsville, and although much worn by fatiguing duty during this campaign, it suffered but slight loss. On the first day of the battle of Gettysburg it marched at the head of its brigade, and was engaged in the severe fighting with which that conflict began, sustaining a loss of one hundred and seventy-nine out of a total of two hundred and sixty-three who entered the engagement, more than sixty-five per cent. After the battle the army returned to Virginia. This regiment did not participate in any movement of importance until May, 1864, when the Wilderness campaign occurred, in which it met the enemy in force on several occasions and performed a variety of difficult and hazardous maneuvers. In the autumn of that year it bore an important part in a raid upon the Weldon railroad; on the 1st of October it was attacked at Peeble’s Farm by an overwhelming force of the enemy and nearly half its numbers were captured. But four commissioned officers and eighty-five enlisted men reported for duty the following day. The winter of 1864-65 was spent in camp with the brigade, which engaged in another expedition for the destruction of the Weldon railroad in December, and in February advanced to Hatcher’s Run. It was at the front in the final movements upon the enemy’s position, and after the surrender of Lee performed guard duty at Appomattox Court House while the Confederate troops were being paroled. It was mustered out of service at Arlington Heights on the 2nd of June, 1865.
There were two companies and part of a third from this county, with the following rosters:
Company A.— Captains: George E. Ridgway, James S. Warner, Henry H. Herpst.
First lieutenants: George W. Brickley, Philander R. Gray, John M. Bingham.
Sergeants: William H. Potter, William Beck, Julius A. Dunham, Emanuel Widle, Charles G. Connely, Dennis D. Moriarty, Alexander McDowell, William G. Dickey, Francis H. Hilliard.
Corporals: Jonathan W. Brink, Samuel Fair, Henry Aten, John B. Allender, Jacob Allebach, John Burns, Henry A. Cornwell, Aaron H. Harrison, Solomon S. Engle.
Privates: John Aten, Moore Bridges, Benjamin F. Baldwin, James D. Black, Warren J. Brink, George W. Barnes, James B. Brown, William J. Bingham, James Bailey, Nathaniel Brink, Orin S. Babcock, Calvin D. Bingham, Abraham L. Cosway, Samuel G. Crawford, William J. Connely, John R. Donnelly, James F. Dawson, Philip H. Dillin, Garrett De Mill, William M. Dewoody, William R. Dawson, Sylvester L. Dunham, Thomas W. Eaton, Thomas Fair, Augustus M. Funk, Moses Funk, Andrew J. Gibbons, Jacob Gibbons, Francis Gray, W.W. Gilliland, Levi Grimm, Henry E. Ginter, George Hesler, Joseph B. Hart, Daniel Hoxworth, John F. Hughes, Sidney Heckert, Solomon D. Hughes, James W. Ingham, Ebenezer H. James, Joseph Kellerman, William H. Kelly, John E. Lapsley, Owen Lyons, Chambers Lawrence, Henry H. Mull, Jesse M. Manson, George R. Morris, Thomas A. Morrison, John B. Manson, James P. Manson, Alexander McKinley, Prior McMurray, William A. McKenzie, William McKenzie, John McCool, Israel T. Phelps, Almiron Parker, David E. Perry, Newton B. Riddle, A. Rhodabarger, Robert B. Rodgers, Franklin F. Sands, William M. Stover, George Shawgo, George Shingledecker, John B. Shaner, W.A. Shingledecker, Henry D. Shaner, George Savage, Alpheus W. Scott, John H. Stroop, T.C. Shelmadine, Nicholas Thompson, David W. Tripp, David O. Tyrrell, Joel C. Usher, Jonathan Wygant, John Wygant, James Withneck, Henry D. Weaver, William C. Waits.
Company E.— The following men from Venango county were in this company:
First lieutenant, George W. Plumer.
Sergeants: Richard A. Dempsey, Daniel H. Weikal, John Stevenson.
Corporal, R.A. Lehentaler.
Musician, Merrick Davidson.
Privates: James Adams, William K. Curtis, Robert J. Green, James McClintock, William Naylor, John W. Tyrrell, Elias Shaffer, John Shaffer, Jr., Abraham Sahm, Washington Tarr, Alonzo Smith, Oscar Fisher.
Company F.— Captains: John M. Clapp, Nathaniel Lang.
First lieutenants: Joseph K. Byers, Daniel B. Levier.
Second lieutenant, Charles H. Raymond.
Sergeants: James Davison, Henry Wise, John Elliott, Samuel T. Borland, Solomon Rugh, Nathaniel Kahl, Thomas Service.
Corporals: Alfred Kech, Augustus I. Glass, Charles Nunemaker, John W. Smiley, Abraham Heckathorn, Blair C. Hood, James Karns, Jeremiah Johnson, Jr., John Phipps, Jacob Shawkey, Joseph Weaver.
Musicians: Elias Harman, Alvey C. Amon.
Privates: John W. Adams, Henry B. Anderson, W.S. Anderson, Solomon Albaugh, John B. Bell, Henry Borts, William Bell, Dallas Baily, James R. Bell, Daniel Bly, Jr., Abraham Carbaugh, George W. Confer, James A. Clark, John S. Culbertson, David Cribbs, William Douglass, James J. Douglass, Jacob G. Downey, George Douglass, Edward M. Dowling, Samuel J. Dodd, Hiram M. Dale, Henry Frain, Isaac W. Fry, Samuel W. Farmer, Ernest E. Fichte, David W. Farmer, Frederick Glass, Charles Heckathorn, William A. Hopkins, Quimby C. Hall, James H. Heckathorn, Adam Harman, Samuel M. Hays, William P. Hays, William Hawn, Henry Karns, Henry Keely, Amos C. King, Jacob M. Keifer, William Kennedy, Cyrus R. Levier, Peter W. Mohney, John Meyers, Daniel Moran, Solomon McBride, T.B.H. McPherson, William Nellis, Daniel Persing, John W. Ray, Robert Reese, B.D. Robinson, James R. Ray, John Sager, Samuel Stewart, John H. Stoke, John Stone, Alfred Say, Daniel Swaney, William H. Slonaker, Reuben Swab, Simon P. Swab, Leslie L. Say, John Saulsgiver, Obadiah Simpson, George A. Showens, John F. Tucker, Wesley Q. Tucker, Chester W. Tallman, John S. Wilson, Samuel P. Weaver. ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-SECOND REGIMENT.
142nd Regiment
The organization of this regiment occurred at Camp Curtin, September 1, 1862, resulting in the choice of Robert P. Cummins of Somerset county, colonel; Alfred B. McCalmont, of Venango county, lieutenant colonel; John Bradley, of Luzerne county, major. On the following day it was ordered to Washington, where it was employed in the construction of Fort Stevens; in October it was assigned by General Meade to the Second brigade and Third division of the First corps. On the 13th of December, 1862, two hundred and fifty men were killed within the space of one hour at Fredericksburg, out of five hundred and fifty who had entered that engagement. In February, 1863, the Reserves were transferred to the defenses of Washington where they remained until April 27th, when the One Hundred and Forty-Second moved from camp with a corps that had been ordered to make a diversion in favor of Hooker. It was thus not actively engaged at the battle of Chancellorsville. At Gettysburg, where its hardest fighting was done on the first day of the battle, the aggregate loss was two hundred and twenty-five. Within a month the two armies were facing each other on opposite banks of the Rappahannock; but nothing of importance in which this regiment was concerned occurred until May of the following year, when the Wilderness campaign engaged its energies. It also bore a part in the operations against Petersburg and in the destruction of the Weldon railroad, in the summer and autumn of 1864. Its last severe fighting occurred at Five Forks, April 1, 1865. After an uneventful period of two months it was mustered out of service May 29, 1865, near Washington.
Company I, originally known as the Petroleum Guards, was recruited chiefly at Oil City, and was the only distinct organization that left that place during the war. The original officers were Alfred B. McCalmont, captain; William H. Hasson, first lieutenant, and Charles E. Houston, second lieutenant. The citizens of Oil City gave the company a reception on the 25th of August, 1862; swords were presented Captain McCalmont and Lieutenant Hasson, and a copy of the Bible to each member of the company. Dinner was served on the South Side. The next day they were transported in wagons to Franklin, where similar hospitalities were extended, and proceeded in that manner to Enon station, whence they departed for Harrisburg, arriving at Camp Curtin on the 27th of August. The following is a roster of the company:
Captains: William Hasson, George R. Snowden, Cyrus H. Culver.
First lieutenant, William H. Rhodes.
Second lieutenant, Charles E. Huston.
Sergeants: Oliver P. Young, Abram S. Prather, Thomas Hoge, Conrad Heasley, James K. Elliott, Loren M. Fulton, Johnson W. Carr, Wilson Camp, William Reynolds.
Corporals: Jesse B. Moore, George M. Winger, Charles Holbrook, Joshua Foster, John A. Wilcox, William Gorman, David S. Keep, Artemus Hollis, Daniel Weaver.
Musician, John G. McLane.
Privates: George Best, Henry H. Bogue, Samuel Brown, Martin Bookster, Phillip Bartlebaugh, William Bower, Wesley H. Burgwin, Eli Beatty, James Bower, Israel B. Brown, Robert Craig, George W. Corbin, David Coldrew, Frank W. Chesley, Joseph H. Coburn, Samuel J. Colburn, Peter Demsey, Richard Davis, John Ducket, Jacob Dilmore, Daniel Downing, Eli Egal, William K. Findley, Daniel H. Finch, Herman Gunderman, Simon Grossman, John Gibbons, Philip M. Hatch, James Hill, John W. Hogue, John E. Hogue, David James, W.W. Jennings, Samuel Kelly, Wilson Kennedy, Charles E. Keep, Jacob F. Little, William Laney, James F. Lamb, David Lee, George R. Lockwood, Henry Mellin, Patrick Moran, G.W. Matthews, Samuel Morrison, Adrian G. Manville, Boint McCray, Andrew McCray, James McLane, H.R. McCalmont, Daniel McNaughton, J.G.L. Nyman, L.F. Nicklin, Samuel Ray, John Robinson, Henry Strohman, John Shiffer, John Stiner, Hugh Shaw, Joseph B. Shirley, Owen Slamon, Joseph Small, William J. Sheriff, John W. Sharpnack, James W. Shaw, Jacob A. Shirley, Adam Siverline, W.W. Shelmadine, A.V. Turner, William West, Marcus Wesner, Jeremiah Walden, W.G. Wadsworth, George P. Webber, Josiah Wilcox, William B. Wesner, Jacob Yockey. ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY-FIRST REGIMENT— SIXTEENTH CAVALRY.
161st Regiment
The Sixteenth Cavalry organized with the following field officers: Colonel, John Irwin Gregg; lieutenant colonel, Lorenzo D. Rodgers, of Venango county; majors: William A. West, William H. Fry, and John Stroup. This occurred November 18, 1862, and during the following winter it was encamped at Bladensburg, Maryland, until January 3, 1863, when it proceeded to the front and was assigned to guard duty at the right flank of the army on the left bank of the Rappahannock. At Gettysburg Gregg’s brigade, to which the Sixteenth had been assigned, was in position on the extreme right of the Union army; it was partially engaged during the day and evening of July 2nd and during the whole of the 3rd, sustaining a loss of two killed and a few wounded. The cavalry was put in pursuit of the retreating army on the 5th and frequent encounters occurred. The scene of action changed to Virginia again and throughout the autumn the regiment was frequently engaged in skirmishes with the enemy. In December it formed part of an expedition for the destruction of factories and munitions of war at Luray in the Shenandoah valley. The principal events of the spring campaign of 1864 were the encounters of May 6th to 12th and the engagement of June 25th; the former occurred about and within the outer defenses of Richmond, and the latter, in which Gregg’s division successfully withstood prolonged attack from a largely superior force, was especially important as he had a convoy of eight hundred wagons in charge. Later in the same year the regiment took part in several raids for the destruction of the Weldon railroad. It broke camp at Hancock’s station February 6, 1865, and was engaged in the final movements about Five Points and Dinwiddie Court House. After Lee’s surrender it returned to Petersburg, but was soon afterward led to the North Carolina border to the support of Sherman. After the close of hostilities it was stationed at Lynchburg for a time and at length mustered out of service at Richmond on the 7th of August, 1865.
Venango county was represented in two companies of this regiment, of which the rosters were as follows:
Company A.— Captains: Seth T. Kennedy, Joshua M. Carey, Robert W. McDowell.
First lieutenants: Robert H. Atkinson, Charles H. Knox, Irving W. Billings, Edmund Dunn.
Second lieutenants: William T. Kennedy, Brewer D. Polley, George D. Beecher.
Sergeants: Adolphus R. Baker, William Rossell, Daniel Stauffer, Lyman H. Lewis, James L. Smith, Simon F. Barr, George C. Menning, Samuel L. Brown, Cyrus C. Marsh, John W. Lewis, George W. Annie, Henry M. Gardner, Nicholas Dick, Marvin B. Lyman, Michael Ziester, William M. Frear, Austin Turck.
Corporals: Jacob F. Mauk, Robert Foster, David S. Barr, John W. Barr, W.H.H. Morton, John Stoops, William Ley, Thomas Bowel, John Colvin, J.D. Lancaster, Henry Holliday, Sylvester M. Benn, Cornelius Ryan, Maxwell E. Fulton, John Rossman, William N. Decker, William A. Wright, John Seamans, Whitney Briggs, Josiah M. Demand, Martin V. Townsend.
Buglers: Philip A. Carr, Samuel Shaffer, Edward S. Albee.
Blacksmiths: Benjamin Davis, Robert Enis, Judson A. Aumick, Henry Sumner.
Saddlers: Samuel G. Fulmer, Richard A. Charles.
Privates: Lewis Andrews, Thomas J. Archer, John Anderson, Alfred Anton, Harman L. Adams, Harvey A. Aumick, Silas W. Aumick, Joseph H. Brooks, James Brown, John Bundorf, Theron S. Burgess, Freeman Barkman, James Brewer, Alpheus Barnes, William Burns, Casper Bufflapp, Jared A. Bennett, John Busher, Leander Buttermore, Russell Burt, James Burns, Charles Burns, Charles Baker, Thomas Baker, Thomas W. Barr, Marvin Bates, George Buck, James Briscoe, Ellis Bedford, Caleb Britton, Nelson E. Coates, John W. Chapins, George B. Craft, James L. Cook, Charles G. Campbell, Benjamin L. Cook, William W. Cook, Edward Claffrey, William Clark, Osborne Cooley, Henry Davis, Alonzo Day, Bemjamin Dick, Jeremiah Duff, Ira E. Davis, Henry W. Decker, James P. Dymond, John Eutsey, Jacob Eutsey, Amos Edick, Andrew Eldercan, William Everts, Gotleib Foss, James Fleming, John Fulton, Isaac P. Foster, George M. Forrer, Harry H. Faulkner, Homer B. Ferry, Mathew Flanagan, Henry Grimm, John L. Griffin, James Gibson, John K. Grim, Joseph Grim, Harry V. Greenlee, George Galbreath, C. Hendricks, S. Higgenbotham, Francis M. Hickson, S. Hendricks, T.E. Houser, William Houser, John H. Hubler, John Hurley, Charles B. Hickox, G.W. Hunter, Thomas C. Hodnot, Moses Irely, Benjamin F. Johnston, Henry Johnston, E. Johnston, William Kelley, J. Knickerbocker, Jacob Kessler, V.L. Keltz, John W. Kelley, Samuel Kieffer, David P. Kelley, Newton Kuhns, Joseph P. Love, George W. Lengel, David Levy, Robert Lytle, Lafayette Leeland, Joseph Laughrey, William S. Lane, Samuel Myers, William H. Maroney, W.H. Merkle, Michael Mease, Samuel Moore, Franklin Moore, Frederick Martin, John Martin, James May, Henry Munsloe, William Moore, William J. Miles, Lewis A. Mulnie, Francis Murry, Michael Madden, John McMannis, Joseph McMannis, L.J. McClintock, Charles Nelson, Frank W. Orcutt, Henry M. Osborne, Levi Paddock, H.C. Pinkerton, Charles Phillippi, S.S. Porter, Alfred N. Patterson, Jacob B. Plumley, John F. Phillips, Otis Phelps, William R. Pillow, E. Pickering, George W. Parks, Richard P. Page, Jacob Richter, George Reed, David Rader, William Robertson, Henry D. Reece, James H. Ramsey, Samuel Rhodabarger, Alonzo Randolph, Robert C. Riggin, Daniel Riser, J.S. Ramsey, Philip D. Reynolds, Thomas Reed, Richard J. Reese, Samuel W. Swartz, Alfred M. Saylor, Leonard D. Shaffer, John W. Stauffer, Cyrus S. Stauffer, Smith Stauffer, Robert Shields, Patrick Sullivan, Lewis C. Shartel, Dexter Spalding, William Sheets, George A. Shuler, Joseph L. Shrives, Christian Swartz, Jacob C. Smith, George Seighman, John Shoup, Samuel Shoup, Nelson Shufelt, Amzi Stauffer, Joseph B. Saylor, Thomas Sullivan, Ashbel Smith, U.C. Sheets, Thomas Sales, Charles H. Shippey, George Smith, Stephen Squire, Elijah S. Squire, John W. Steele, William N. Squire, John Shook, Ruben Smith, Timothy R. Stutton, H.W. Templin, George W. Townsend, Giles Townsend, Isaac Tiffany, Lyman H. Vaughn, George Winner, Milton Williams, Frank Welsh, H.E. Wadsworth, Nathan Wagoner, Robert Williams, Isaac Wimer, Joseph Wallace, W.H. Wier, W.M. Wood, Thomas S. Waters, W.W. Wills, John J. Wright, W.H. Wright, George W. Warner, Robert B. Wheeler, James H. Ward, William Zuver.
Company E.— Captains: Loronzo D. Rodgers, Augustus H. Rush, Daniel C. Swank, Enoch H. Moore.
First lieutenants: Lewis B. Brown, Russell R. Pealer, David W. Davis.
Second lieutenant, I.F. Chamberlain.
Sergeants: William B. Harlan, Benjamin Jeffries, George D. Jacoby, Nelson Craig, George John, John S. Kelly, John L. Lee, John McClernan, Joseph F. Hicks, Henry W. Seibert, John B. Atwell, Morris O. Conner, Benjamin F. Carnahan, John M. Lane, Marshall Wasson.
Corporals: Adam Benner, John Morley, John Spence, Patrick Byron, William H. Bailey, Wesley Callahan, Daniel Kohler, Alfred Bowman, Robert W. Davison, John W. Henderson, William C. Phipps, George W. Webber, Henry W. Bowman, Robert A. Thompson, Lyman H. Fowler, Samuel Chamberlin, Aaron Andreas, Daniel Wasson.
Buglers: George L. Patterson, Robert Tipping.
Blacksmiths: John S. Hoagland, William R. Hoover.
Farrier, John D. Cromer.
Saddlers: Richard Tobin, Wesley J. Cooper.
Privates: George D. Applegarth, John R. Atwell, Peter S. Ashelman, William F. Andrews, Thomas Burns, John F. Brothers, John C. Baker, Eli Baney, Isaiah Barr, Alva Beemis, W.J. Black, R.A. Biddle, Patrick Campbell, Elijah Clifford, John L. Chambers, Cyrus R. Coulter, W.P. Crain, John G. Crain, Alfred T. Creveling, Jesse B. Coleman, John Campbell, F.W. Creveling, Andrew Crawford, G. Dannanhower, Isaiah Denvers, Joseph Depue, James F. Davison, James Duncan, Joel M. Dailey, George Derlin, George A. Dull, Matthias Daniels, Thomas J. Eakin, Henry Erwin, William W. Evland, A.W. Evland, Albert Fisher, Darius Fleming, John Furry, John Flowers, Gideon Fry, Joseph Fleckenstine, Edward George, Patrick Gilligan, David Grisinger, Joseph Gifford, W.O. Gibb, John Herring, William Hickey, Thomas Hainey, William Holland, William Hayes, Michael Harmon, Louis M. Haines, Michael Houser, Noah Higgins, George C. Hall, John F. Hoffman, William C. Hull, Jeremiah Horton, Daniel H. Hetler, Samuel A. Hoover, Samuel Irwin, John A. Jobson, Albert Jones, Thomas Jolly, James E. Jones, Jacob F. Knechel, Charles Kreamer, Charles Keyser, W. Kee, J.E. Kepler, John Keicher, Jonathan Knittle, Daniel King, P.P. Kimball, Silas R. Kissner, Enoch B. Karnes, W.B. Keene, George W. Love, Samuel Lee, Samuel Lewis, Simeon L. Lockarde, James B. Logue, Alex Lindsey, James Looney, Benjamin F. Looney, Elias G. Lemmons, George W. Matthews, Dallas Myers, Laurence Marks, John Mullen, Jonas Miller, William H. Matthews, Henry Mowrey, Thomas McGettigen, Charles McFadden, Frank McGovern, John McCammon, William McElhaney, Francis A. Osborn, Joseph G. Piatt, Porter Phipps, William Phifer, Robert C. Pollock, James L. Porter, William Pearson, George W. Peoples, Buress Rolls, Martin Richards, Isaiah Reaver, Joseph Ryan, W.D. Ryan, D.R. Reidenauer, Crispin Roberts, William Rhodes, James Rusk, William Roberts, James H. Roberts, Adam Sampson, Abner Smith, Charles H. Stinger, Daniel R. Snyder, Henry Snider, Adam Sides, John A. Sanna, William H. Say, William Say, Lyman Stewart, John Shreffler, Daniel Smith, Amos Shoutz, Joseph G. Swank, Le Grant Spomberg, G.G. Scott, Riley Stainbrook, Philip Snider, John Staub, William Stringman, Patrick Tooley, John Taylor, Charles W. Vanover, Henry Vanhorn, Jr., Alvin Varner, Job Walford, George Williams, William Whartenby, Henry Whipple, Andrew Weitzer, Abram Witherup, George Warden, Hiram Witmoir, John H. Yaple.
The foregoing regimental sketches and company rosters have been compiled from Bates’ History of the Pennsylvania Volunteers, a voluminous work and recognized authority. The histories of the different regiments have necessarily been greatly abbreviated, but rosters have been given of all the companies in which Venango county was represented to any extent. There were also a number of other regiments to which the county contributed, and while details on this subject might be multiplied, it is believed that the essential particulars regarding the part taken by the county have been given.
The Lamberton Guards was an organization formed in 1862 when Lee invaded Maryland and threatened Pennsylvania. The officers were William M. Epley, captain; —— Pinkerton, first lieutenant; and James Adams, second lieutenant. They proceeded to Harrisburg, but returned after the battle of Antietam without experiencing any actual military service.
The activities of the people on behalf of the prosecution of the war were not limited to the contribution of troops. There were a number of Soldiers’ Aid Societies throughout the county, and the contributions of money, hospital supplies, and other comforts and necessaries through these agencies represented in the aggregate a large expenditure of energy and effort. There was a Home Relief Association and a Soldiers’ Aid Dime Society at Franklin; the Soldiers’ Aid Society of Plum township was organized in the autumn of 1861 and a similar association in Sugar Creek was formed in September, 1862. August 11, 1862, a public meeting was held at the court house for the purpose of raising a bounty fund for volunteers from this county, James Bleakley presiding. After addresses by Arnold Plumer, Elisha W. Davis, and others, a committee was appointed to request from the county commissioners an appropriation of fifty dollars to each volunteer. Throughout the war the commissioners contributed regularly toward the support of the families of absent soldiers; and while organized assistance was thus rendered, public benefactions were augmented by many acts of private charity.
The Soldiers’ Monument, erected immediately after the close of the war, expresses in enduring and appropriate form the appreciation of the county at large for the patriotic services and sacrifices of the citizens who fell "on the field of battle, in hospitals, and at home; who died of wounds received in battle, of sickness incurred in camp, of starvation in the hands of the enemy." The dedication occurred September 10, 1866; the survivors of the war from this county marched in a body to the park, and it is estimated that ten thousand people witnessed the ceremonies. Reverends S.J.M. Eaton, D.D., M.A. Tolman, and J.B. Lyon conducted the religious exercises; addresses were delivered by Doctor Eaton, Galusha A. Grow, and John S. McCalmont. The monument is situated in South park. It is inscribed with the names of four hundred soldiers, "Venango’s contribution to the death-roll of patriotism.".
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