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PA Civil War   >  Deaths

Pennsylvania Civil War Soldier Deaths

Death Records of Pennsylvania Soldiers Reported in Newspapers

Adams County, Pennsylvania

Adams Sentinel, July 9, 1861
Tribute of Respect about the death of 2 members of the 2nd PA...

Adams Sentinel, June 17, 1862
Death of Sergeant Huber (with a description of the 23rd's involvement in the battle of Fair Oaks)...

Adams Sentinel, June 7, 1864
We learn that John W. Shipley, of Cumberland county, a member of Captain Minnigh's company, of the Pennsylvania Reserves, was killed since...

Adams Sentinel, July 7, 1864
A letter from Captain Mickley states that the last engagement the 21st Pa. Cavalry were in...The following is given as the list of casualties in Company B...

Adams Sentinel, July 12, 1864
Colonel G. H. Covode, 4th Pennsylvania cavalry, was killed in...

Gettysburg Compiler, November 17, 1862
The death of two soldiers...

Gettysburg Compiler, January 12, 1863
Singular Fidelity of a Dog on the Battle-Field...

Delaware County American, Delaware County, Pennsylvania

Delaware County American, May, 1864
97th PA Regiment Casualties & Wounded from the fatal charge of May 20...

Indiana Democrat, Indiana County, Pennsylvania

Indiana Democrat, May 7, 1862
Casualties incurred on Edisto Island, South Carolina...

Indiana County - June 12, 1862
61st Killed and Wounded at the Battle of Fair Oaks...

Indiana County - June 12, 1862
105th Killed and Wounded at the Battle of Fair Oaks...

Indiana Democrat, July 17, 1862
List of Killed and Wounded in the 105th Penna. Regiment...

Indiana Democrat, July 17, 1862
The Surrender of Murfreesboro Tenn.-The Killed and Wounded on Both Sides...

Indiana Democrat, July 17, 1862
The number of Pennsylvania Colonels who have lost their lives during the present war is eighteen. Of them sixteen were killed in battle and two died in camp of disease. The sad record is as follows:...

Miner's Journal, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania

Miner's Journal, June 14, 1862
The following members of the 15th Regiment, P.V. who were captured at Falling Waters; on the 2nd of July, 1861, have been released...

Miner's Journal, September, 1864
George M Boyer, son of Israel and Mariah Boyer a member of Company F 7th Pa. Cav. died in hospital at Andersonville, Ga. Sept. 30, 1864 aged 22 years and 8 months...

Miner's Journal, June 14, 1864
The killed and wounded of our regiments in the Late Battles - the 96th, 48th, 50th and other regiments...

Miner's Journal, 1865
Upon the saddest chapter of this work we now enter. It is to give a record of the names of the sons of Schuylkill who died that their country might live...

Miner's Journal, February 4, 1865
Victims of Rebel Cruelty - Mike Crintin Co. C 48th Regiment died in prison at Salisbury...

Miner's Journal, March 25, 1865
Union dead in Salisbury, N.C. on Tuesday last...

Miner's Journal, April 1, 1865
Death of A Soldier:- John C. Hoskins was born in Minersville, this county, September 27, 1839, and died in this borough, March 27, 1865 aged 25 years and 6 months...

Miner's Journal, April 1, 1865
Henry Clay Graeff, 1st. Lieut. Company D 48th P.V. died in this borough on Wednesday last from disease contracted in rebel prisons...

Miner's Journal, July 15, 1865
The following soldiers from this County, died in prison at Andersonville, Ga. between February 1864 and March 1865...

Miner's Journal, June 17, 1865
Sudden death of a returned soldier: A soldier of the 95th William Boyd a returned prisoner from Andersonville dropped dead on Center Street...

Miner's Journal, June 27, 1865
Mr. Joshua Reed of Barry Township died at his fathers residence age 30 years 8 months. He died from the effects of starvation at Salisbury N.C.

Miner's Journal, August 9, 1865
Another victim of rebel cruelty, Walter P. Aims late a member of Co. D 48th Regiment P.V. died at Salldasburg, Lycoming Count...

Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania Civil War Dead
From the `MEMORIAL OF THE PATRIOTISM OF SCHUYLKILL COUNTY in the AMERICAN SLAVEHOLDER'S REBELLION, compiled by Francis B. WALLACE, Assoc. Ed. of the "Miners Journal," published by Benjamin BANNAN, Pottsville, Pa., in 1865

97th Regiment Killed & Wounded
List of Delaware Co. 97th regiment killed & wounded at Foster Plantation, near Bermuda Landing, Va., on the 20th of May, 1864.

Philadelphia Inquirer

Philadelphia Inquirer, May 10, 1862 -
List of dead and wounded of Pennsylvania regiment 105...

Philadelphia Inquirer, May 10, 1862 -
List of dead and wounded of Pennsylvania regiment 93...

Philadelphia Inquirer, May 10, 1862 -
List of dead and wounded of Pennsylvania regiment 13... Civil War Databases

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